(* Common util. Should probably put this in a module or something.. *) let get_one_line file = try Some (input_line file) with End_of_file -> None let get_lines file = let rec input lines = match get_one_line file with Some line -> input (line :: lines) | None -> List.rev lines in input [] let read_file file = let channel = open_in(file) in get_lines channel let explode s = (* convert a string to a list of chars *) let rec exp i l = if i < 0 then l else exp (i - 1) (s.[i] :: l) in exp (String.length s - 1) [] let (<<) f g x = f(g(x)) let (>>) f g x = g(f(x)) let rec take n l = (* take the first n elements *) match n with | 0 -> [] | n -> match l with | [] -> [] | x :: xs -> x :: (take (n-1) xs) let rec drop n l = (* drop the first n elemnts *) match n with | 0 -> l | n -> drop (n-1) @@ List.tl l let c2i = String.make 1 >> int_of_string (* --- *) type exp = Add of exp * exp | Mul of exp * exp | Num of int let rec string_of_exp = function | Num x -> string_of_int x | Mul (a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s * %s)" (string_of_exp a) (string_of_exp b) | Add (a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s + %s)" (string_of_exp a) (string_of_exp b) let print_exp = print_string << string_of_exp let print_exps = List.iter print_exp let rec find_matching_paren count (x::xs) = match x with | '(' -> if count = 0 then 0 else 1 + find_matching_paren (count-1) xs | ')' -> 1 + find_matching_paren (count+1) xs | n -> 1 + find_matching_paren count xs let read_exp line = let line' = line |> explode |> List.filter (fun x -> x != ' ') |> List.rev in let rec go stack = function | [] -> List.hd stack | '+' :: xs -> Add (List.hd stack, (go (List.tl stack) xs)) | '*' :: xs -> Mul (List.hd stack, (go (List.tl stack) xs)) | ')' :: xs -> let matching = 1 + find_matching_paren 0 xs in let sub = take matching xs in let rest = drop matching xs in go ((go [] sub)::stack) rest | '(' :: xs -> List.hd stack | num :: xs -> go ((Num (c2i num)) :: stack) xs in go [] line' let rec eval = function | Num a -> a | Add (a, b) -> (eval a) + (eval b) | Mul (a, b) -> (eval a) * (eval b) let () = let exps = read_file "day18.txt" |> List.map read_exp in let values = List.map eval exps in let sum = List.fold_left (+) 0 values in print_int sum;