(* Common util. Should probably put this in a module or something.. *) let get_one_line file = try Some (input_line file) with End_of_file -> None let get_lines file = let rec input lines = match get_one_line file with Some line -> input (line :: lines) | None -> List.rev lines in input [] let read_file file = let channel = open_in(file) in get_lines channel let explode s = (* convert a string to a list of chars *) let rec exp i l = if i < 0 then l else exp (i - 1) (s.[i] :: l) in exp (String.length s - 1) [];; let print_grid l = print_newline (); List.iter (fun line -> List.iter (Printf.printf "%c") line; Printf.printf "\n") l let (<<) f g x = f(g(x)) (* --- *) let get_value l (x, y) = (* if in bounds, Some of the value, else None *) try let row = List.nth l x in Some (List.nth row y) with | Failure _ -> None | Invalid_argument _ -> None let dirs = [(-1, -1); (-1, 0); (-1, 1); (0, -1); (0, 1); (1, -1); (1, 0); (1, 1)] let get_neighbors (x, y) l = (* returns list of Options. None means off the grid *) let coords = List.map (fun (dx, dy) -> (x + dx, y + dy)) dirs in List.map (get_value l) coords let rec walk (x, y) l (dx, dy) = (* walk from (x, y) in direction (dx, dy) until you hit something or fall off *) let coord = (x + dx, y + dy) in match get_value l coord with | Some '.' -> walk coord l (dx, dy) | a -> a let get_far_neighbors (x, y) l = (* returns list of Options. None means off the grid *) List.map (walk (x, y) l) dirs let num_occupied = (* count the number of # in a List of char options *) List.length << List.filter (function | None -> false | Some v -> Char.equal v '#') let change_seat is_far (x, y) l = (* is_far is for the 2nd problem *) let neighbors_fun = if is_far then get_far_neighbors else get_neighbors in let max_neighbors = if is_far then 5 else 4 in let neighbors = neighbors_fun (x, y) l in (* make a list of all neighbors, either near or far *) match get_value l (x, y) with | None -> '?' (* eh? *) | Some 'L' -> if num_occupied neighbors = 0 then '#' else 'L' | Some '#' -> if num_occupied neighbors >= max_neighbors then 'L' else '#' | Some s -> s let change_seats is_far l = List.mapi (fun x -> List.mapi (fun y _ -> change_seat is_far (x, y) l ) ) l let hash = Hashtbl.create 1000 let grid_equal g1 g2 = (* abusing hash but not a drug problem *) match Hashtbl.find_opt hash g2 with | Some _ -> true | None -> let _ = Hashtbl.add hash g2 0 in false let rec start is_far grid = (* keep changing seats until the grid stops changing *) (* print_grid grid; *) let grid' = change_seats is_far grid in if grid_equal grid grid' then grid' else start is_far grid' let () = let grid = read_file "day11.txt" |> List.map explode in start false grid (* false means near-neighbors *) |> List.flatten |> List.filter (Char.equal '#') |> List.length (* count occupied seats *) |> Printf.printf "near-neighbor count %i\n"; start true grid |> List.flatten |> List.filter (Char.equal '#') |> List.length |> Printf.printf "far-neighbor count %i\n";