You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
2.6 KiB

(* Common util. Should probably put this in a module or something.. *)
let get_one_line file =
try Some (input_line file) with
End_of_file -> None
let get_lines file =
let rec input lines =
match get_one_line file with
Some line -> input (line :: lines)
| None -> List.rev lines
in input []
let read_file file =
let channel = open_in(file) in
get_lines channel
(* --- *)
type bag = { color: string; contents: bag list; count: int }
let read_contents = function (* takes the last part of the string and turns it into a "list" of "bags" *)
| "no other bags." -> []
| str -> String.split_on_char ',' str
|> String.trim
|> @@ String.split_on_char ' '
|> (function | count :: modifier :: color :: _rest -> (* pattern match on bag description strings *)
{ color = modifier ^ " " ^ color; contents = []; count = int_of_string count })
let read_bags line =
let parts = String.split_on_char ' ' line in
let modifier :: color :: _bags :: _contain :: rest = parts in
let contents = read_contents (String.concat " " rest) in (* re-concat the rest of theh string back together *)
{ color = modifier ^ " " ^ color; contents; count = 1 }
let bag_contains_color color bag =
List.exists (fun x -> String.equal x.color color) bag.contents
let get_bag_from_color color all_bags = (* get the top-level bag from it's color string *)
List.find (fun x -> String.equal x.color color) all_bags
let rec has_bag color all_bags bag =
if bag_contains_color color bag (* if this bag directly contains that color *)
then true (* return true *)
else List.exists (fun x -> (* otherwise, check it's contents *)
let bag' = get_bag_from_color x.color all_bags in (* for each contained bag, find it in the top level, and call has_bag on it *)
has_bag color all_bags bag')
let rec num_children all_bags color = (* find the number of child bags for a given color *)
let bag = get_bag_from_color color all_bags in
match bag.contents with
| [] -> 0
| contents -> List.fold_left (fun acc x -> (* fold over each child bag *)
acc + (x.count * (1 + num_children all_bags x.color))) 0 contents
let () =
let all_bags = read_file "day7.txt" |> read_bags in
let contains_shiny_gold = List.filter (has_bag "shiny gold" all_bags) all_bags in
let sum_of_bags_containing_shiny_gold = List.length contains_shiny_gold in
Printf.printf "# of bags containing a \"shiny gold\" bag: %i\n" sum_of_bags_containing_shiny_gold;
let child_count = num_children all_bags "shiny gold" in
Printf.printf "# of bags *inside* a \"shiny gold\" bag: %i\n" child_count;