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2 years ago
#lang racket
(define (map-map f lst) ; map . map
(map (λ (x) (map (λ (y) (f y)) x)) lst))
(define (char->num chr) ; i hate this
(second (assoc chr (list '(#\0 0) '(#\1 1) '(#\2 2) '(#\3 3) '(#\4 4) '(#\5 5) '(#\6 6) '(#\7 7) '(#\8 8) '(#\9 9)))))
(define grid ; file -> list of lists of numbers
(map-map char->num
(map string->list
(file->lines "day9.txt"))))
(define (grid-value grid row col) ; value of grid at (row, col)
(if (or (< row 0) (> row (sub1 (length grid))) (< col 0) (> col (sub1 (length (first grid))))) ; if out of bounds
(list-ref (list-ref grid row) col)))
(define (neighbors grid row col) ; list of values of neighbors to (row, col)
(filter identity ; filter out #f
(list (grid-value grid row (sub1 col))
(grid-value grid row (add1 col))
(grid-value grid (sub1 row) col)
(grid-value grid (add1 row) col))))
(define (is-lowest? grid row col) ; is (row, col) a low point
(let ([ns (neighbors grid row col)]
[val (grid-value grid row col)])
(foldl (λ (n acc) (and (< val n) acc)) #t ns)))
(define (low-point-coords grid) ; list of all low point coordinates in the grid
(let ([width (length (first grid))]
[height (length grid)])
(apply append ; flatten the list one level
(for/list ([row (range 0 height)]) ; using a for. i caved
(filter identity ; filter out #f
(for/list ([col (range 0 width)])
(if (is-lowest? grid row col)
(list row col)
(define (low-point-values grid) ; the values of all of the low points in a grid
(let* ([points (low-point-coords grid)])
(map (λ (p) (grid-value grid (first p) (second p))) points)))
(define part1
(let* ([points (low-point-values grid)]
[risk-levels (map add1 points)])
(foldl + 0 risk-levels)))
; PART 2
(define (neighbors-coords row col) ; list of _coordinates_ of neighbors to (row, col)
(list row (sub1 col))
(list row (add1 col))
(list (sub1 row) col)
(list (add1 row) col)))
(define (find-basin-around-point grid row col)
(define visited (make-hash))
(let loop ([r row] [c col])
(let* ([ns (neighbors-coords r c)] ; get all the neighboring coordinates
[ns-to-visit (filter (λ (n) (and
(grid-value grid (first n) (second n)) ; filter out out-of-bounds
(not (equal? (grid-value grid (first n) (second n)) 9)) ; and 9s
(not (hash-ref visited n #f)))) ns)]) ; and the ones we've seen
(hash-set! visited (list r c) (grid-value grid r c)) ; add this to the list of coordinates we've visited
(for-each (λ (n) (loop (first n) (second n))) ns-to-visit) ; recurse over the neighbors
(hash->list visited))))
(define (find-all-basins grid)
(let* ([points (low-point-coords grid)])
(map (λ (p) (find-basin-around-point grid (first p) (second p))) points)))
(define part2
(let* ([basins (find-all-basins grid)]
[top3 (take (sort basins (λ (x y) (> (length x) (length y)))) 3)]
[lengths (map length top3)])
(foldl * 1 lengths)))