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2 years ago
#lang racket
(define (map-map f lst) ; map . map
(map (λ (x) (map (λ (y) (f y)) x)) lst))
(define data
(let* ([input (file->lines "day13.txt")]
[point-lines (filter (λ (l) (string-contains? l ",")) input)]
[points (map-map string->number (map (λ (p) (string-split p ",")) point-lines))] ; e.g. '(6 10)
[fold-lines (filter (λ (l) (string-contains? l "fold")) input)]
[folds (map (λ (l) (let* ([matches (regexp-match #rx"(.)=(.+)" l)]) ; e.g. '("y" 7)
(list (second matches) (string->number (third matches))))) fold-lines)])
(list points folds)))
(define points (first data))
(define folds (second data))
(define (draw points)
(let* ([width (apply max (map first points))] [height (apply max (map second points))])
(for-each (λ (row) (begin
(for-each (λ (col) (printf "~a" (if (member (list col row) points) "#" "."))) (range 0 (+ 1 width)))
(printf "~n"))) (range 0 (+ 1 height)))))
(define (move-point point dir loc)
(let* ([which (if (equal? "x" dir) first second)] ; which coordinate to change. x -> fold left -> change the first digit, etc.
[diff (* 2 (- (which point) loc))] ; calculate the amount the point should move left/up
[diffX (if (equal? "x" dir) (λ (x) (- x diff)) identity)]
[diffY (if (equal? "y" dir) (λ (x) (- x diff)) identity)])
(if (< (which point) loc) ; if it is below the fold
point ; just return it
(list (diffX (first point)) (diffY (second point)))))) ; otherwise, move the point
(define (fold points f) ; should have picked a different name..
(let* ([direction (first f)]
[location (second f)]
[new-points (map (λ (point) (move-point point direction location)) points)])
(remove-duplicates new-points)))
(define part1
(let* ([first-fold (first folds)]
[next (fold points first-fold)])
(length next)))
; PART 2
(define part2
(foldl (λ (f sheet) (fold sheet f)) points folds)))