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2 years ago
#lang racket
(define target
(let* (;[input "target area: x=20..30, y=-10..-5"]
[input "target area: x=144..178, y=-100..-76"]
[regex #rx"x=([^\\.]+)\\.\\.([^\\.]+), y=([^\\.]+)\\.\\.([^\\.]+)"]
[matches (regexp-match regex input)]
[coords (drop matches 1)])
(map string->number coords)))
(define (point-in-target? point)
(match-let* ([(list x y) point]
[(list x1 x2 y1 y2) target])
(and (>= x x1) (<= x x2)
(>= y y1) (<= y y2))))
(define (point-past-target? point)
(match-let* ([(list x y) point]
[(list x1 x2 y1 y2) target])
(or (> x x2) (< y y1))))
(define (step point velocity)
(match-let ([(list x y) point]
[(list dx dy) velocity])
(let* ([new-point (list (+ x dx) (+ y dy))]
[dx-op (if (= dx 0) identity (if (> dx 0) sub1 add1))]
[new-velocity (list (dx-op dx) (sub1 dy))])
(values new-point new-velocity))))
(define (good-velocity? point velocity)
(if (point-in-target? point)
(if (point-past-target? point)
(let-values ([(p2 v2) (step point velocity)])
(good-velocity? p2 v2)))))
; shoot it as high as you can
; such that it never goes *below* the bottom of the target
; bottom of target: -10 in the example
; by the time it gets back to 0, dy is equal to -initial dy
; so.. initial dy can't be > -10? set it to 9 and find a valid x
(define (find-max-velocity)
(let* ([dy (sub1 (* -1 (third target)))])
(let loop ([dx 0])
(if (good-velocity? '(0 0) (list dx dy))
(list dx dy)
(loop (add1 dx))))))
(define (find-max-height velocity)
(let loop ([p '(0 0)]
[v velocity])
(let-values ([(p2 v2) (step p v)])
(if (= 0 (second v2))
(second p2)
(loop p2 v2)))))
(define part1
(let* ([v (find-max-velocity)]
[height (find-max-height v)])
; PART 2
(define part2
(let* ([dy-max (* -1 (third target))]
[dy-min (* -1 dy-max)]
[dx-max (* 2 (second target))]
[all (apply append
(for/list ([dy (range dy-min dy-max)])
(for/list ([dx (range 0 dx-max)])
(list dx dy (good-velocity? '(0 0) (list dx dy))))))]
[goods (filter (λ (x) (third x)) all)])
(length goods)))