defmodule Day16 do def run do map_list =!("data.txt") |> String.trim() |> String.split("\n") |> height = length(map_list) width = length(hd(map_list)) # convert the map List to a map Map map = Enum.concat(map_list) |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn {el, idx}, acc -> Map.put(acc, {div(idx, height), rem(idx, width)}, el) end) # starting position always at bottom left, facing east start = {height - 2, 1, {0, 1}} # end is always at the top right dest = {1, width - 2} # create a map of visited nodes an a queue visited = %{start => 100_000_000} q = :queue.from_list([{start, 0, [{0, 0}]}]) {paths, shortest} = walk(map, q, dest, visited, [], 100_000_000_000) dbg(shortest) num_on_all_paths = Enum.reduce(paths, [], fn p, acc -> Enum.concat(p, acc) end) |> Enum.uniq() |> length() dbg(num_on_all_paths) end defp walk(map, q, {dx, dy} = dest, visited, paths, shortest_path) do # dequeue the node with the lowest distnce # no priority queue, so just find the lowest one and delete it from the queue ql = :queue.to_list(q) if length(ql) == 0 do {paths, shortest_path} else lowest = Enum.min_by(ql, fn {_, dist, _} -> dist end) {{x, y, dir}, dist, path} = lowest new_q = :queue.delete(lowest, q) # if we reached the destination if x == dx and y == dy do # remove everything from the queue with distances greater than shortest_path new_q2 = :queue.filter(fn {_, d, _} -> d <= shortest_path end, new_q) # add it to the list of paths if it's <= to the current shortest path if dist <= shortest_path do new_paths = [path | paths] walk(map, new_q2, dest, visited, new_paths, dist) else walk(map, new_q2, dest, visited, paths, shortest_path) end else dirs = [{-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}] # find neighbors to enqueue neighbors = dirs |> {dx, dy} -> {x + dx, y + dy} end) |> key -> {key, Map.get(map, key, ".")} end) |> Enum.filter(fn {_key, el} -> el != "#" end) # visited must include the direction. You can validly visit a cell from multiple directions |> Enum.reject(fn {{nx, ny}, _el} -> key = {nx, ny, {nx - x, ny - y}} Map.has_key?(visited, key) end) |> {key, _el} -> key end) new_q2 = Enum.reduce(neighbors, new_q, fn {nx, ny}, acc -> # dir is the previous direction new_dir = {nx - x, ny - y} new_dist = dist + if dir == new_dir, do: 1, else: 1001{{nx, ny, new_dir}, new_dist, [{x, y} | path]}, acc) end) new_visited = Map.put(visited, {x, y, dir}, dist) walk(map, new_q2, dest, new_visited, paths, shortest_path) end end end defp render(map, location \\ nil, visited \\ %{}) do width = Map.keys(map) |>, 1)) |> Enum.max() height = Map.keys(map) |>, 0)) |> Enum.max() Enum.each(0..height, fn row -> Enum.each(0..width, fn col -> if !is_nil(location) and location == {row, col} do IO.write(IO.ANSI.format([:red_background, "@"])) else el = Map.get(map, {row, col}, ".") visited? = Enum.member?(visited, {row, col}) formatted = if visited? do IO.ANSI.format([:blue_background, el]) else el end IO.write(formatted) end end) IO.write("\n") end) IO.write("\n") map end end