defmodule Day19 do def run do {patterns, designs} = parse_file("data.txt") {possibles, _c} = Enum.reduce(designs, {[], %{}}, fn d, {list, cache} -> {total, c} = possible_designs(d, patterns, cache) {[total | list], c} end) part1 = Enum.filter(possibles, fn el -> el != 0 end) |> length dbg(part1) part2 = Enum.sum(possibles) dbg(part2) end # if the design is empty list, we got to the end successfully defp possible_designs([], _, cache), do: {1, cache} defp possible_designs(design, patterns, cache) do # look in the cache for this design if Map.has_key?(cache, design) do # if it's there, just return it {Map.get(cache, design), cache} else # find all the patterns that match the beginning of the design matching_patterns = Enum.filter(patterns, &List.starts_with?(design, &1)) {new_total, new_cache} = if length(matching_patterns) == 0 do # if there are none, we've failed {0, cache} else # recurse on rest of the list Enum.reduce(matching_patterns, {0, cache}, fn pattern, {total, new_cache} -> rest = Enum.drop(design, length(pattern)) {t, c} = possible_designs(rest, patterns, new_cache) {t + total, c} end) end # add this new total to the cache & return it new_cache2 = Map.put(new_cache, design, new_total) {new_total, new_cache2} end end defp parse_file(file) do [top, bottom] =!(file) |> String.trim() |> String.split("\n\n") patterns = String.split(top, ", ") |> designs = String.split(bottom, "\n") |> {patterns, designs} end end