defmodule Day20 do def run do {map, width, height, start, dest} = parse_input("data.txt") # create a map of visited nodes an a queue visited = %{start => 100_000_000} q = :queue.from_list([{start, 0, []}]) {path, shortest} = walk(map, q, dest, visited, [], 100_000_000_000, width, height) path = Enum.reverse(path) part1 = run(2, path) part2 = run(20, path) dbg({part1, part2}) end # walk every step along the path # find coordinates that we can get to within number of steps, that save us 100 picoseconds defp run(cheats, path) do Enum.with_index(path) |> Enum.reduce(0, fn {el, idx}, acc -> res = path |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.filter(fn {el2, idx2} -> dist = distance(el, el2) dist <= cheats and idx + dist + 100 <= idx2 end) |> length acc + res end) end defp distance({x1, y1}, {x2, y2}) do abs(x2 - x1) + abs(y2 - y1) end defp walk(map, q, {dx, dy} = dest, visited, paths, shortest_path, width, height) do # dequeue the node with the lowest distnce # no priority queue, so just find the lowest one and delete it from the queue ql = :queue.to_list(q) if length(ql) == 0 do nil else # lowest = next_from_queue(ql, dest) lowest = Enum.min_by(ql, fn {_, dist, _} -> dist end) {{x, y}, dist, path} = lowest new_q = :queue.delete(lowest, q) # if we reached the destination if x == dx and y == dy do {[{x, y} | path], dist} else dirs = [{1, 0}, {0, 1}, {-1, 0}, {0, -1}] # find neighbors to enqueue neighbors = dirs |> {dx, dy} -> {x + dx, y + dy} end) |> key -> {key, Map.get(map, key, ".")} end) |> Enum.filter(fn {{x, y}, el} -> el != "#" and x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x < width and y < height end) |> Enum.reject(fn {{nx, ny}, _el} -> Map.has_key?(visited, {nx, ny}) end) |> Enum.reject(fn {{nx, ny}, _el} -> Enum.any?(:queue.to_list(q), fn {pos, _, _} -> pos == {nx, ny} end) end) |> {key, _el} -> key end) new_q2 = Enum.reduce(neighbors, new_q, fn {nx, ny}, acc ->{{nx, ny}, dist + 1, [{x, y} | path]}, acc) end) new_visited = Map.put(visited, {x, y}, dist) walk(map, new_q2, dest, new_visited, paths, shortest_path, width, height) end end end defp parse_input(file) do map_list =!(file) |> String.trim() |> String.split("\n") |> height = length(map_list) width = length(hd(map_list)) # convert the map List to a map Map, grabbing start and dest along the way {map, start, dest} = Enum.concat(map_list) |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.reduce({%{}, nil, nil}, fn {el, idx}, {map, start, dest} -> row = div(idx, height) col = rem(idx, width) map = Map.put(map, {row, col}, el) start = if el == "S", do: {row, col}, else: start dest = if el == "E", do: {row, col}, else: dest {map, start, dest} end) {map, width, height, start, dest} end end