defmodule Day21 do def run do lines =!("data.txt") |> String.trim() |> String.split("\n") |> numpad = %{ nil => {0, 0}, "0" => {1, 0}, "A" => {2, 0}, "1" => {0, 1}, "2" => {1, 1}, "3" => {2, 1}, "4" => {0, 2}, "5" => {1, 2}, "6" => {2, 2}, "7" => {0, 3}, "8" => {1, 3}, "9" => {2, 3} } dpad = %{ "<" => {0, 0}, "v" => {1, 0}, ">" => {2, 0}, nil => {0, 1}, "^" => {1, 1}, "A" => {2, 1} } # doing some testing... # go([[">", "v"], ["v", ">"]], dpad) |> go(dpad) |> dbg # go([["<", "v"], ["v", "<"]], dpad) |> go(dpad) |> dbg # go([[">", "^"], ["^", ">"]], dpad) |> go(dpad) |> dbg # go([["<", "^"], ["^", "<"]], dpad) |> go(dpad) |> dbg # reveals that: # <, v is better than v, < # v, > is better than >, v # >, ^ is better than ^, > # <, ^ is better than ^, < part1 = lines |> go(numpad) |> go(dpad) |> go(dpad) |> |> {sequence, line} -> numeric_part = line |> Enum.drop(-1) |> |> Integer.undigits() numeric_part * length(sequence) end) |> Enum.sum() dbg(part1, charlists: :as_lists) part2 = lines |> go(numpad) |> # for each line |> Enum.reduce({%{}, 0}, fn {line, original_line}, {cache, sum} -> # for each key {new_cache, _, len} = Enum.reduce(line, {cache, "A", 0}, fn key, {cache, previous, sum} -> {num, cache} = num_steps_with_depth(previous, key, dpad, 25, cache) {cache, key, sum + num} end) numeric_part = original_line |> Enum.drop(-1) |> |> Integer.undigits() {new_cache, sum + numeric_part * len} end) dbg(part2) end # finds the number of steps needed to get from a to b, over and over, depth times defp num_steps_with_depth(a, b, keypad, depth, cache) do key = {a, b, depth} if Map.has_key?(cache, key) do res = Map.get(cache, key) {res, cache} else new_steps = steps(a, b, keypad) case depth do 0 -> new_cache = Map.put(cache, key, 2) {2, new_cache} 1 -> len = length(new_steps) new_cache = Map.put(cache, key, len) {len, new_cache} d -> # for each pair, find the length of depth - 1 {new_cache, el, steps} = Enum.reduce(new_steps, {cache, "A", 0}, fn el, {cache, previous, num_steps} -> {num, new_cache} = num_steps_with_depth(previous, el, keypad, depth - 1, cache) new_cache = Map.put(new_cache, {previous, el, depth - 1}, num) {new_cache, el, num + num_steps} end) {steps, new_cache} end end end # maps over each line, then reduces over each keypress, gathering the new steps needed defp go(lines, pad) do, fn line -> Enum.reduce(line, {"A", []}, fn el, {previous, list} -> {el, Enum.concat(list, steps(previous, el, pad))} end) |> elem(1) end) end # returns the steps from a to b on the given keypad, including hitting A at the end defp steps(a, b, keypad) do {x1, y1} = Map.get(keypad, a) {x2, y2} = Map.get(keypad, b) y_char = if y2 > y1, do: "^", else: "v" x_char = if x2 > x1, do: ">", else: "<" xs = if x2 == x1, do: [], else: Enum.reduce(1..abs(x2 - x1), [], fn _el, acc -> [x_char | acc] end) ys = if y2 == y1, do: [], else: Enum.reduce(1..abs(y2 - y1), [], fn _el, acc -> [y_char | acc] end) {dx, dy} = Map.get(keypad, nil) # avoid hole res = if x2 < x1 do # if i'm going left, and going left _first_ hits the empty spot if {x2, y1} == {dx, dy} do # then go up/down first Enum.concat([ys, xs, ["A"]]) end else # if i'm going up or down, and going up/down _first_ hits the empty spot if y1 != y2 and {x1, y2} == {dx, dy} do # then go left/right first Enum.concat([xs, ys, ["A"]]) end end # if the hole needed to be avoided, return that if !is_nil(res) do res else # otherwise use our heuristic cond do # if we're going down and left, go left first y2 < y1 and x2 < x1 -> Enum.concat([xs, ys, ["A"]]) # if we're going down and right, go down first y2 < y1 and x2 > x1 -> Enum.concat([ys, xs, ["A"]]) # if we're going up and left, go left first y2 > y1 and x2 < x1 -> Enum.concat([xs, ys, ["A"]]) # if we're going up and right (or anything else), go up first true -> Enum.concat([ys, xs, ["A"]]) end end end end