defmodule Day6 do def run do map =!("data.txt") |> String.split("\n") |> Enum.drop(-1) |> height = length(map) width = length(hd(map)) # find initial location idx = Enum.concat(map) |> Enum.find_index(&(&1 != "#" and &1 != ".")) location = {div(idx, height), rem(idx, width)} initialState = %{ map: map, visited:, location: location, bearing: 0, height: height, width: width } visited = walk(initialState, false) IO.puts("Part 1: #{MapSet.size(visited)}") # for each visited location, try putting an obstacle there num_positions = Enum.reduce(visited, 0, fn {row, col}, acc -> # generate new map with obstacle in the path new_row = List.replace_at(, row), col, "#") new_map = List.replace_at(map, row, new_row) acc + walk(%{initialState | map: new_map}, true) end) IO.puts("Part 2: #{num_positions}") end defp walk(state, detect_loops?) do # if we're detecting loops, and this location & bearing is already in our map, get out if detect_loops? and MapSet.member?(state.visited, {state.location, state.bearing}) do 1 else # add current location to set visited = if detect_loops? do # if we're detecting loops, also record the bearing MapSet.put(state.visited, {state.location, state.bearing}) else MapSet.put(state.visited, state.location) end {row, col} = state.location # grab next location {next_row, next_col} = case state.bearing do 0 -> {row - 1, col} 1 -> {row, col + 1} 2 -> {row + 1, col} 3 -> {row, col - 1} end in_bounds = next_row >= 0 and next_row < state.height and next_col >= 0 and next_col < state.width if !in_bounds do # if not in bounds, end recursion if detect_loops? do # if we're detecting loops, we didn't find one. return 0 0 else # otherwise return the list of visited locations visited end else cell =, next_row) |> new_state = if cell == "#" do # keep location the same, turn 90° right new_bearing = Integer.mod(state.bearing + 1, 4) %{state | visited: visited, bearing: new_bearing} else %{state | visited: visited, location: {next_row, next_col}} end walk(new_state, detect_loops?) end end end end