defmodule Day9 do def run do memory =!("data.txt") |> String.trim() |> String.graphemes() |> |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.reduce([], fn {num, idx}, acc -> new_num = if rem(idx, 2) == 0, do: trunc(idx / 2), else: nil Enum.concat(acc, List.duplicate(new_num, num)) end) dbg(memory) part1 = memory |> defrag1() |> checksum() dbg(part1) part2 = memory |> defrag2() |> checksum() dbg(part2) end defp checksum(memory) do Enum.with_index(memory) |> Enum.reduce(0, fn {el, idx}, acc -> if el, do: acc + idx * el, else: acc end) end defp defrag1(memory) do defrag1_step(%{memory: memory, free_index: 0, block_index: length(memory) - 1}) end # 2 pointers, one tracking free space, one tracking blocks # increase the free one until we find a spot, decrease the block one until we find a block # if we have a free spot and a block, swap em defp defrag1_step(acc) do free =, acc.free_index) block =, acc.block_index) # if we've met in the middle, we're done recursing if acc.free_index >= acc.block_index do acc.memory else case {free, block} do {_, nil} -> %{acc | block_index: acc.block_index - 1} {f, _} when f != nil -> %{acc | free_index: acc.free_index + 1} {nil, block} -> memory = List.replace_at( List.replace_at(acc.memory, acc.free_index, block), acc.block_index, nil ) %{ acc | memory: memory, block_index: acc.block_index - 1, free_index: acc.free_index + 1 } end |> defrag1_step() end end defp defrag2(memory) do # break the memory up into chunks. Each time the char changes, new chunk chunks = Enum.chunk_while( memory, [], fn el, acc -> if length(acc) >= 1 and el != hd(acc) do {:cont, Enum.reverse(acc), [el]} else {:cont, [el | acc]} end end, fn [] -> {:cont, []} acc -> {:cont, Enum.reverse(acc), []} end ) # run it through the defragger and then flatten it defrag2_step(%{chunks: chunks, index: length(chunks) - 1}) |> List.flatten() end defp defrag2_step(args) do chunks = args.chunks index = args.index # if we are at 0, stop recursing if index == 0 do chunks else file =, index) # if this file is nils (empty space) skip it. recruse, picking next lowest chunk if is_nil(, 0)) do defrag2_step(%{chunks: chunks, index: index - 1}) else file_size = length(file) # find a chunk of empty space big enough starting from the beginning empty_chunk_index = Enum.find_index(chunks, fn chunk -> # if it's an empty space chunk and its big enough is_nil(, 0)) and length(chunk) >= file_size end) if empty_chunk_index && empty_chunk_index < index do empty_chunk =, empty_chunk_index) new_free_space_size = length(empty_chunk) - file_size # first replace the file with free space temp1 = List.replace_at(chunks, index, List.duplicate(nil, file_size)) |> List.replace_at(empty_chunk_index, file) # if our file was smaller than the free space if new_free_space_size > 0 do # check the chunk _after_ the free space. next_chunk =, empty_chunk_index + 1) new_list = if is_nil(, 0)) do # if it is also free space, tack this on to it List.replace_at( temp1, empty_chunk_index + 1, Enum.concat(next_chunk, List.duplicate(nil, new_free_space_size)) ) else # otherwise, create a new chunk after this one, filling up the space List.insert_at( temp1, empty_chunk_index + 1, List.duplicate(nil, new_free_space_size) ) end defrag2_step(%{chunks: new_list, index: index}) else defrag2_step(%{chunks: temp1, index: index}) end else # no free space for this file. recurse, check the next chunk defrag2_step(%{chunks: chunks, index: index - 1}) end end end end end