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92 lines
1.5 KiB
92 lines
1.5 KiB
14 years ago
# #!/usr/bin/perl
snippet #!
# Hash Pointer
snippet .
# Function
snippet sub
sub ${1:function_name} {
${2:#body ...}
# Conditional
snippet if
if (${1}) {
${2:# body...}
# Conditional if..else
snippet ife
if (${1}) {
${2:# body...}
} else {
${3:# else...}
# Conditional if..elsif..else
snippet ifee
if (${1}) {
${2:# body...}
} elsif (${3}) {
${4:# elsif...}
} else {
${5:# else...}
# Conditional One-line
snippet xif
${1:expression} if ${2:condition};${3}
# Unless conditional
snippet unless
unless (${1}) {
${2:# body...}
# Unless conditional One-line
snippet xunless
${1:expression} unless ${2:condition};${3}
# Try/Except
snippet eval
eval {
${1:# do something risky...}
if ($@) {
${2:# handle failure...}
# While Loop
snippet wh
while (${1}) {
${2:# body...}
# While Loop One-line
snippet xwh
${1:expression} while ${2:condition};${3}
# For Loop
snippet for
for (my $${2:var} = 0; $$2 < ${1:count}; $$2${3:++}) {
${4:# body...}
# Foreach Loop
snippet fore
foreach my $${1:x} (@${2:array}) {
${3:# body...}
# Foreach Loop One-line
snippet xfore
${1:expression} foreach @${2:array};${3}
# Package
snippet cl
package ${1:ClassName};
use base qw(${2:ParentClass});
sub new {
my $class = shift;
$class = ref $class if ref $class;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
# Read File
snippet slurp
my $${1:var};
{ local $/ = undef; local *FILE; open FILE, "<${2:file}"; $$1 = <FILE>; close FILE }${3}