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13 years ago
2012-09-30 19:22:01 --> dust1n (~dustinswa@ has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:22:01 -- Topic for #archlinux is "Welcome to Arch Linux World Domination, Inc. <+> Please read before updating: <+> less is more. Sort of."
2012-09-30 19:22:01 -- Topic set by tigrmesh (~arch@archlinux/op/tigrmesh) on Sun, 30 Sep 2012 03:22:54
2012-09-30 19:22:02 -- Nicks #archlinux: [[keanu] [vEX] _1amzave _ikke_ _schulte_ _xnt14 `bps `lorim a0x aaket504 abyss AC`97 acfrazier Aciid_ acperkins adalgiso ader10 aditya adren Adys AfoHT airloom akawaka akiva akosch alex20032 alexande1te AlexP alienvenom almigi Almtesh ambossarm ambro718 amigo_ ampeg ampzamp amstan amunak AndrewX192 anish ankebiter anrxc antihero apermat applegekko aravind ArchElf archeyDevil archtaku Archtivity arescorpio Arkaniad arkx armax00 arsovik arteomp artv61 AsAck_away asdil12 asfethan astiak astirya aszc AthlonRo1 aupo aurelien avawn_ averell avkward avocado awake_now awole20 aximilation axion b1tgl0w b4d_ BadAtom BadLarry bananagram bandroidx Bane^ bapa barch_ Barthalion bassliner batrick bazz bc547 BeholdMyGlory belak benbergman beneth` benjr benpro bentglasstube bentham bergman Best__ bfrog_ bgs100 bier bigmeow bioterror birdontophat bitflip_ bizarro_1 bjonnh Bl_nK Blaasvis_ BlackMagik BladedThesis BlastHardcheese blind bloony blu BluABK bluaki bluephoenix47 Bluewind Bobby boblehest bond` Boohbah boris`` Borromini BossKonaSegwaY bougyman bovis Bowler brad[] brandonw brewmaster brian Brian_H_ brisbin bru` bruenig btcbuy314 btreecat bug2000 Bugson buhman buq2 burnedcelery bwat47 bytbox C-S-B cafaro Caleb camerin candybar canta capleton cardiel cassmodiah caveat- cedeel ceezer Celebiaril celthunder Cerales cF8 chaky ChaozZBubi cHarNe2 chee chetnick Chewtoy chirpsalot chjj chmuri choupydance chrkl chron cinelli ciscon ciupenhauer claime classix clinch clockworkrat cmal CME cmelbye CodeBlock CodeVision codeworkx codingrobot Codynyx colona combataircraft commx companion connyosis_ CookieJar2 coredump|br Cork Count_0_ CoverSlide cr-ver_ CR0W crashmag crazedpsyc crdueck cricket[] crippa Crisco cruxeter1us ct cuckoo cullum_ curtism cuzit Cyber_Akuma CyberSix cyberspace- cyp__ d-snp d4red3vil d_garbage daba dabreaka dafu damentz Dan39 DancingBear danharibo Danio danmackay darrend darthlukan dasbjo Dashkal dasmaze daurnimator Dave123 Dave123-road dawey DaZ dbdii407 deadc Death_Syn Deathspawn Debolaz debu_ deekeff deeroh Deewiant defane Defaultti Deifyed deizhu_ delaytime0 delcoyote Demios demonicm1niac3 demonicmaniac denile derrida desg Desoxy_ dethredic Dettorer developej devon` devotchka DexterLB dflurker_ Dhraakellian Diamondcite diazepan diegoviola Dieterbe digie Digital_Lemon DigitalKiwi dimeshake diminoten DinCahill Diopter disasm djshotglass_ dk0r DLange dmogle dn3s dobby156 doki_pen DOMAKESAYTHINK donch dorftrottel dots dougpiston dr_summer drag0nl0` dramz Drathir drdo drfox Droggl_ dropdrive DropsOfSerenity DRW_ dtca Dtgr duckpunch dunz0r DURgod dust1n duxklr du|dx dvance_ dwarder dxtr dylix Dynetrekk dza- e36freak eagletmt ealexp ecraven EdwardIII efjboss eir ejno elaoin-ng elbjorn elitegg elliottcable elmargol elmhire else- elsebasbe elux enderst endre Enjolras Entroacceptor Ephexeve epitron eqyiel ered erg ericab_away erik- err-or erry Ertyle etank ethanol etix eto evpuneq evr__ exhortatory exocaesar Expez Expoti eyemonen Ezprezo ezzieyguywuf fadein faen faffi falchie falconindy Falx4444 Fandekasp fatbotgw fbarrera felipe` felixvdj fflam fignew fionnan FIQ fire_ FireFly firenx firesock fisted_ fjfalcon flaccid Flaw flexd FlickerB flo` flocke floft Fluke fnord0 folly forks fossala foutrelis Foxandxss framling freakazoid Free_Bullets fresch frytaz1 FSX fubar__ fuhry fulltang1 fxrh gabx gagan662 gamer1990 GarBage gardar_ gardintrapp GargantuaSauce garrik Gary13579 gColossus Gcool GEEK1 geekisdead geewid gejr Genolo GGLucas gholen_ giniu Gishten glaiz glebihan_ GoaLitiuM goner Gonzih gory gracent graphitemaster groundnuty grte gry GSF1200S gtmanfred Guest11834 Guest23428 Guest27403 Guest34845 Guest42083 Guest46872 Guest74525 Guest8949 guibou guiniol gwash HACKhalo2 hacosta_ hagabaka Haikarainen hando hannah_irina Hapsbanan hardfalcon1 HarryS harski Hasselsaurus heftig Heikai heinrich5991 hejki HellSt0rm HeN hendry HenryTrollins Hertz hi117 hilbert Hochmeister holomorph holoway hoodwanked horrovac hosk hotfuzz houmles hrnz hrubi hspasta hugsy hunger hurricane hut_ Hwkiller hwkiller-netboo
2012-09-30 19:22:02 -- Channel #archlinux: 1271 nicks (0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1271 normals)
2012-09-30 19:22:04 -- Mode #archlinux [+Ccnt]
2012-09-30 19:22:04 -- Channel created on Sat, 14 Feb 2004 23:08:31
2012-09-30 19:22:08 clockworkrat Where's my n00bhat?
2012-09-30 19:22:10 cinelli phrik: sorry.
2012-09-30 19:22:11 <-- toppform ( has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2012-09-30 19:22:14 <-- Lilbkbx ( has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2012-09-30 19:22:19 <-- Qchmqs_ (~qchmqs@ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2012-09-30 19:22:31 clockworkrat cinelli: pretend that question was aimed at you then.
2012-09-30 19:22:32 w0ng I found PragmataPro on the Interwebs. Nice font
2012-09-30 19:22:33 --> Qchmqs_ (~qchmqs@ has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:22:34 phrik /new_root is where you mount your root device when you want to transition to it from early userspace
2012-09-30 19:22:35 apermat cinelli, doesn't appear to be any wifi module in there. .. i tried modprobe iwlwifi but it wont show in the list
2012-09-30 19:22:44 --> roadt (~roadt@ has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:22:53 phrik there's nothing unique about it... that's just where arch chose to put it.
2012-09-30 19:23:02 Roukoswarf did phrik just get a real brain?
2012-09-30 19:23:09 <-- Qchmqs_ (~qchmqs@ has quit (Client Quit)
2012-09-30 19:23:10 phrik i would have called it /ponies, but that's just me.
2012-09-30 19:23:15 <-- elux ( has quit (Quit: Leaving...)
2012-09-30 19:23:16 phrik Roukoswarf: no, did you lose yours?
2012-09-30 19:23:30 <-- RudyValencia- (me@unaffiliated/rudyvalencia) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2012-09-30 19:23:30 clockworkrat so what does "remount with write permissions" mean?
2012-09-30 19:23:31 --> kreiGT (~kreig@ has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:23:33 --> Qchmqs_ (~qchmqs@ has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:23:36 phrik Roukoswarf: i'm a real girl \o/
2012-09-30 19:23:37 --> dorftrottel_ (~horst@gateway/tor-sasl/dorftrottel) has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:23:39 cinelli I would totaly date phrik.
2012-09-30 19:23:41 <-- Qchmqs_ (~qchmqs@ has left #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:23:43 Philly Anyone using NFS and mouting the folder to a Windows machine? in my /etc/exports I have it set to rw, but I don't get write access on my Windows machine :<
2012-09-30 19:23:44 gtmanfred clockworkrat: mount -o rw,remount /
2012-09-30 19:23:51 r3m_ How to see all package I installed without the dependancy, i mean manually added package
2012-09-30 19:23:51 phrik i would date the hell out of myself.
2012-09-30 19:24:07 Roukoswarf phrik: never knew someone was actually on the other end sometimes :D
2012-09-30 19:24:08 gtmanfred r3m_: pacman -Qh
2012-09-30 19:24:13 r3m_ gtmanfred: thanks!
2012-09-30 19:24:13 --> Qchmqs (~qchmqs@ has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:24:19 gtmanfred r3m_: explicitely installed
2012-09-30 19:24:23 Roukoswarf never knew someone was actually on the other end sometimes :D
2012-09-30 19:24:29 gtmanfred r3m_: and the one that says nothing depends on it... i think t
2012-09-30 19:24:36 phrik never.
2012-09-30 19:24:43 <-- mnick_ ( has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2012-09-30 19:24:50 --> l1mpm4rk (~\@unaffiliated/l1mpm4rk) has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:25:16 <-- t0rc (~t0rc@unaffiliated/t0rc/x-5233201) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2012-09-30 19:25:43 r3m_ gtmanfred: pacman -Qh do not work, it give the help
2012-09-30 19:25:58 gtmanfred r3m_: right, read it
2012-09-30 19:26:03 <-- dorftrottel (~horst@gateway/tor-sasl/dorftrottel) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2012-09-30 19:26:16 <-- floft (~garrett@unaffiliated/floft) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
2012-09-30 19:26:22 --> dad (c5c84a02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:26:23 <-- stardiviner (~stardivin@ has quit (Quit: my website:
2012-09-30 19:26:31 cinelli apermat: what do you use to connect ?
2012-09-30 19:26:38 r3m_ gtmanfred: ah ok i understand what you mean by explicitely
2012-09-30 19:26:40 gtmanfred r3m_: i think you want -e and -t
2012-09-30 19:26:41 -- |dvx is now known as ldvx
2012-09-30 19:26:43 r3m_ yup
2012-09-30 19:26:46 -- dad is now known as Guest69950
2012-09-30 19:26:50 gtmanfred but wasn't sure :P
2012-09-30 19:27:01 falconindy !fs 26344
2012-09-30 19:27:01 phrik
2012-09-30 19:27:02 <-- Guest69950 (c5c84a02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:27:21 --> daead (c5c84a02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:27:25 <-- daead (c5c84a02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:27:28 --> daead (c5c84a02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:27:55 gtmanfred falconindy: ... why was the necessary?
2012-09-30 19:27:59 gtmanfred who doesn't mount proc...
2012-09-30 19:28:01 falconindy because im lazy
2012-09-30 19:28:04 --> floft (~garrett@unaffiliated/floft) has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:28:06 <-- ICEBreakPoint ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
2012-09-30 19:28:09 apermat cinelli, wicd, i have it in my daemons list in rc.conf
2012-09-30 19:28:09 falconindy and ive been hacking on mkinitcpio all weekend
2012-09-30 19:28:16 falconindy s/hacking on/breaking horribly/
2012-09-30 19:28:37 r3m_ gtmanfred: i dont know why pacman -e give me an invalid option error
2012-09-30 19:28:40 falconindy it still generates useful images, but im quite sure that there's no fewer than a half dozen new bugs
2012-09-30 19:28:51 gtmanfred r3m_: because you have to give it an actual flag first... -Q
2012-09-30 19:28:54 cinelli r3m_: maybe because it's an invalid option?
2012-09-30 19:28:55 gtmanfred r3m_: pacman -h
2012-09-30 19:29:06 r3m_ ah ok thanks
2012-09-30 19:29:07 --> mykhal (~mykhal@gateway/tor-sasl/mykhal) has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:29:41 <-- Qchmqs (~qchmqs@ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2012-09-30 19:29:56 --> Qchmqs (~qchmqs@ has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:30:00 Qchmqs hi
2012-09-30 19:30:37 <-- floft (~garrett@unaffiliated/floft) has quit (Client Quit)
2012-09-30 19:30:44 <-- daead (c5c84a02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
2012-09-30 19:31:26 --> floft (~garrett@unaffiliated/floft) has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:32:31 <-- NoobCoder (~NoobCoder@unaffiliated/noobcoder) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2012-09-30 19:33:01 <-- nmschulte ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2012-09-30 19:33:21 --> knell ( has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:33:49 <-- deadc (~lsyn@unaffiliated/deadcow) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2012-09-30 19:34:48 <-- diegoviola ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2012-09-30 19:34:50 gtmanfred hello
2012-09-30 19:34:58 Qchmqs who is lucky like me ?
2012-09-30 19:35:17 cinelli I got laid twice before noon
2012-09-30 19:35:31 cinelli ... fact
2012-09-30 19:35:34 Qchmqs in other aspect
2012-09-30 19:35:40 cinelli just you then.
2012-09-30 19:35:57 Qchmqs i can get a pre-hacked DVD of crysis 2 , at 0.5$
2012-09-30 19:36:08 gtmanfred !acta
2012-09-30 19:36:08 Tom^ and i can get it for free
2012-09-30 19:36:08 Qchmqs and it is totally fine in my country
2012-09-30 19:36:11 phrik <<< Phearrr fer yer rights!
2012-09-30 19:36:13 cinelli apermat: did you update before rebooting or anything
2012-09-30 19:36:18 gtmanfred !give Qchmqs back2ot
2012-09-30 19:36:19 phrik Qchmqs: Get back to #archlinux-offtopic
2012-09-30 19:36:27 --> KaeruCT (~welp@ has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:36:27 --> Salonce (~Salonce@gateway/tor-sasl/salonce) has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:36:36 Qchmqs sorry
2012-09-30 19:36:40 buhman mmm
2012-09-30 19:36:43 buhman ribeye
2012-09-30 19:36:53 clockworkrat I followed both of the two links from and neither has left me with any success
2012-09-30 19:36:54 phrik Title: DeveloperWiki:usrlib - ArchWiki (at
2012-09-30 19:37:06 cinelli clockworkrat: you musta missed something.. try again
2012-09-30 19:37:18 buhman !give clockworkrat errormsg
2012-09-30 19:37:19 phrik clockworkrat: Post the _exact_, _verbatim_ error message. Paraphrasing, reciting from memory, or otherwise being vague will earn you a swift boot to the head.
2012-09-30 19:37:24 gtmanfred buhman: he forced glibc
2012-09-30 19:37:34 buhman ooh fun
2012-09-30 19:37:44 buhman so where's he at now?
2012-09-30 19:37:59 gtmanfred clockworkrat: go through the find and grep commands on that page, using -r with the pacman commands
2012-09-30 19:38:04 gtmanfred and read everything on that page
2012-09-30 19:38:32 <-- Theoden ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
2012-09-30 19:38:37 buhman aww, can't we just spoonfeed it to him?
2012-09-30 19:38:44 --> FIQ|n900 (~FIQ@unaffiliated/fiq) has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:38:49 --> m0ikz (~m0ikz@ has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:38:51 --> t0rc (~t0rc@unaffiliated/t0rc/x-5233201) has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:39:18 clockworkrat I still end up with "Waiting 10 seconds for device /dev/sda1 ...; ERROR: Unable to find root device '/dev/sda1'.; You are being dropped to a recovery shell" upon boot
2012-09-30 19:39:21 <-- skate_forever (~leandro@unaffiliated/skateforever/x-2874) has quit (Quit: dormir)
2012-09-30 19:39:26 gtmanfred clockworkrat: you have to finish the update
2012-09-30 19:39:35 gtmanfred you fucked it and it is stuck halfway updated
2012-09-30 19:39:40 --> Icedman (~Icedman@unaffiliated/icedman) has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:39:55 --> iCarly ( has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:40:23 clockworkrat I am aware that it is "fucked".
2012-09-30 19:40:34 gtmanfred clockworkrat: so finish the update before you try to reboot again
2012-09-30 19:40:37 gtmanfred using the livecd
2012-09-30 19:40:43 gtmanfred and teh pacman commands on the usrlib website
2012-09-30 19:41:10 --> bjorn_248 (~bjorn_248@unaffiliated/bjorn248) has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:41:16 clockworkrat I can't mount my root partition from the live environment
2012-09-30 19:41:18 --> SmellyCat ( has joined #archlinux
2012-09-30 19:41:27 gtmanfred why not?
2012-09-30 19:41:48 buhman it would be fairly difficult to "mount" your partition because that's not possible
2012-09-30 19:41:53 <-- sophism (mystyone@unaffiliated/stravaiger) has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2012-09-30 19:41:54 buhman nor meaningful
2012-09-30 19:42:12 -- irc: disconnected from server