diff --git a/README.org b/README.org index a0e020c..2c69b82 100644 --- a/README.org +++ b/README.org @@ -1,58 +1,3 @@ -* Dotfiles - -I run macOS on my laptop and [[http://nixos.org][NixOS]] GNU/Linux on my desktop. - -After ~15 years with Vim & -[[https://tmux.github.io/][Tmux]]/[[https://www.gnu.org/software/screen/][GNU -Screen]], I've mostly switched to -[[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][Emacs]] & -[[https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs][Spacemacs]]. - -** Emacs - -If you -- like Vim's modal UI -- like Lisp better than Vimscript -- want a huge, ancient hacker community & ecosystem - -then I suggest checking out Emacs & Spacemacs. Emacs really is a -great operating system, and now it has a great editor! - -** Other Software - -- Email: [[http://offlineimap.org][offlineimap]] & - [[https://github.com/djcb/mu][mu]] & - [[http://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/mu4e.html][mu4e]] via - [[https://www.fastmail.com/][Fastmail]] -- Terminal: [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/MultiTerm][multiterm]] & - [[https://github.com/jwilm/alacritty][alacritty]] (Linux & macOS) -- Shell: - [[http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/eshell.html][EShell]] - & [[http://www.fishshell.com][Fish]] -- Browser: [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/eww][eww]] & - [[https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox][Firefox]] & - [[http://www.qutebrowser.org/][qutebrowser]] -- IRC & IM & chat: [[https://weechat.org/][WeeChat]] & [[https://bitlbee.org/][Bitlbee]] & [[https://github.com/the-kenny/weechat.el][weechat.el]] -- Notes & to-do lists & bookmarks & spreadsheets & journal & everything, really: - [[http://orgmode.org][Org mode]] -- Window Manager: [[http://www.alfredapp.com][Alfred]] (macOS) & [[https://i3wm.org/][i3]] (or [[http://xmonad.org][xmonad]], depending on the month..) (Linux) -- Sync: [[https://syncthing.net][Syncthing]] -- RSS Reader: [[https://feedly.com/][Feedly]] & [[https://github.com/skeeto/elfeed][Elfeed]] - -** Todo List - -- [ ] Switch from [[http://github.com][GitHub]] to - [[https://gitlab.com][GitLab]] -- [X] +Switch to NixOS full time (on desktop)+ -- [x] +Switch from Gmail to [[http://www.fastmail.com][Fastmail]]+ -- [x] +Switch from Dropbox to Syncthing+ -- [x] +[[https://github.com/untitaker/vdirsyncer][vdirsyncer]] to sync - CardDAV and CalDAV (to be hosted on Fastmail)+ -- +Calendar: [[https://github.com/geier/khal][khal]] (Or maybe - something in Emacs)+ -- +Contacts: [[https://github.com/scheibler/khard][khard]]+ -- [ ] Music: [[http://www.musicpd.org][mpd]] or - [[https://www.mopidy.com][Mopidy]] & - [[http://ncmpcpp.rybczak.net][ncmpcpp]] (Or - [[https://github.com/pft/mingus][Mingus]] in Emacs) +* Simplify +I'm going all in on home-manager. Wish me luck.