more linux config

Dustin Swan 6 years ago
parent 2690f3fcda
commit a235217560

@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
for id in `xinput --list|grep 'MX Master 2S'|perl -ne 'while (m/id=(\d+)/g){print "$1\n";}'`; do
xinput set-prop $id "Device Accel Velocity Scaling" 1
xinput set-prop $id "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" 1.0
xinput set-prop $id "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" 0.8
xinput set-button-map $id 1 2 3 5 4 # "natural" scrolling

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Autogenerated
# Documentation:
# qute://help/configuring.html
# qute://help/settings.html
# Uncomment this to still load settings configured via autoconfig.yml
# config.load_autoconfig()
# This setting can be used to map keys to other keys. When the key used
# as dictionary-key is pressed, the binding for the key used as
# dictionary-value is invoked instead. This is useful for global
# remappings of keys, for example to map Ctrl-[ to Escape. Note that
# when a key is bound (via `bindings.default` or `bindings.commands`),
# the mapping is ignored.
# Type: Dict
c.bindings.key_mappings = {'<Ctrl-6>': '<Ctrl-^>', '<Ctrl-Enter>': '<Ctrl-Return>', '<Ctrl-J>': '<Return>', '<Ctrl-M>': '<Return>', '<Ctrl-[>': '<Escape>', '<Enter>': '<Return>', '<Shift-Enter>': '<Return>', '<Shift-Return>': '<Return>'}
# Background color of unselected even tabs.
# Type: QtColor = 'black'
# Background color of unselected odd tabs.
# Type: QtColor = 'black'
# Background color of selected even tabs.
# Type: QtColor = '#66aaff'
# Foreground color of selected even tabs.
# Type: QtColor
c.colors.tabs.selected.even.fg = 'black'
# Background color of selected odd tabs.
# Type: QtColor = '#66aaff'
# Foreground color of selected odd tabs.
# Type: QtColor
c.colors.tabs.selected.odd.fg = 'black'
# Background color for webpages if unset (or empty to use the theme's
# color)
# Type: QtColor = 'white'
# Default monospace fonts. Whenever "monospace" is used in a font
# setting, it's replaced with the fonts listed here.
# Type: Font
c.fonts.monospace = '"Iosevka Nerd Font"'
# Open new tabs (middleclick/ctrl+click) in the background.
# Type: Bool
c.tabs.background = True
# Padding around text for tabs
# Type: Padding
c.tabs.padding = {'bottom': 5, 'left': 5, 'right': 5, 'top': 5}

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ rm ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf; mkdir ~/.gnupg; ln -s ~/dotfiles/gpg-agent.conf ~/.g
mkdir -p ~/.ssh; rm ~/.ssh/config; ln -s ~/dotfiles/ssh/config ~/.ssh/config
rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/glances/glances.conf; mkdir ~/Library/Application\ Support/glances; ln -s ~/dotfiles/glances.conf ~/Library/Application\ Support/glances/glances.conf
rm ~/.config/khard/khard.conf; mkdir ~/.config/khard; ln -s ~/dotfiles/khard.conf ~/.config/khard/khard.conf
rm -rf ~/.config/qutebrowser; mkdir ~/.config/qutebrowser; ln -s ~/dotfiles/ ~/.config/qutebrowser/
# Mail stuff
rm ~/.offlineimaprc; ln -s ~/dotfiles/offlineimaprc ~/.offlineimaprc

@ -35,6 +35,6 @@ main = xmonad $ docks $ ewmh $ defaultConfig
, ("<XF86AudioMute>", spawn "amixer set Master toggle")
, ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn "amixer -q sset Master 5%-")
, ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn "amixer -q sset Master 5%+")
, ("C-M-M1-b", spawn "firefox")
, ("C-M-M1-b", spawn "qutebrowser")
, ("C-M-M1-e", spawn "emacsclient -c")

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ xmodmap -e "keycode 96 = dead_greek dead_greek dead_greek dead_greek"
compton -cGb
sh ~/dotfiles/
xsetroot -solid black -cursor_name left_ptr
feh --bg-fill ~/Sync/Pictures/Wallpaper/space2.jpg
nitrogen --restore &
# feh --bg-fill ~/Sync/Pictures/Wallpaper/space2.jpg
qsyncthingtray &
xscreensaver &
