Commit Graph

48 Commits (2db16f23461e2f428f5ca0ac6dbee0663d42c1fb)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Dustin Swan 5036382ebf
More spacemacs
Dustin Swan 31b804f89a
Moer home manager. Getting spacemacs config up to date with latest develop branch
Dustin Swan d856cc00dd dotfile changes
Dustin Swan d2b03781b9 Various dotfiles
Dustin Swan 73466bef20 More dotfile stuff
Dustin Swan 763a6a5f23 Various dotfile changes
Dustin Swan 44693bb3b8 More misc linux stuff
Dustin Swan fb118697b6 Merge branch 'master' of
Dustin Swan d40710ad0c Misc linux things
Dustin Swan 760183baa1 switching back to helm from ivy, adding weechat.ell
Dustin Swan 39ccb1c3e4 Spacemacs stuff, xmonad stuff
Dustin Swan 7f2ed39143 dotfiles goodies
Dustin Swan 93fd2f3d10 EMACSSSS
Dustin Swan d88ffe899d Merge branch 'master' of
Dustin Swan bd8087e906 new zsh theme (not that I'm using zsh) and adding Elfeed back to Spacemacs
Dustin Swan 8eba18baae Merge branch 'master' of
Dustin Swan a34f94ea8e Spacemacs transparency fix
Dustin Swan e8194627b9 DOTFILES
Dustin Swan cf807a2f34 dotfile tho
Dustin Swan a2bae3b481 Config!!
Dustin Swan 49a5612fe7 Lots of linux goodies
Dustin Swan 8f2b5bfb24 Removing some emacs packages
Dustin Swan 536543ddfc More stuff
Dustin Swan 258b5bf08c Org mode stuff: crypto, moving files around, etc.
Dustin Swan 7356eac3a7 updates fish and zsh stuff for new brew, keychain, etc. changens to fish shell in emacs multi-term
Dustin Swan 95edbb391e Recent spacemacs changes
Dustin Swan c0b1394430 Spacemacs config and vimrc stuff
Dustin Swan bb5320b9d2 Various dotfile changes. Emacs, mail, music, etc.
Dustin Swan 2335126b1a Updating .spacemacs for the new release.
Dustin Swan 6be00ffea2 Bunch of dotfile changes
Dustin Swan f9adb3088c misc spacemacs settings. removing elfeed, updating env, etc.
Dustin Swan 47c4b01d5a Cleaning up dotfiles
Dustin Swan 2e68d878e0 whole bunch of spacemacs changes
Dustin Swan a4b04835f7 Spacemacs config updates
Dustin Swan 5243a69e5b Getting spacemacs config file up to date with the current
Dustin Swan e6accc3c10 Getting spacemacs config closer to the factory one
Dustin Swan ccf3304f80 Getting vdirsyncer & khal working, updating offlineimap to work with fastmail, misc spacemacs config updates
Dustin Swan 5a4aedd693 Updating README, neovim symlinks, etc.
Dustin Swan f819465110 Some spacemacs cleanup
Dustin Swan 5814b90579 Updating .spacemacs for new version, misc changes.
Dustin Swan d47d0d6267 Updating Spacemacs config for new version
Dustin Swan 60820ed40d more mu4e, some fonts, some misc spacemacs stuff
Dustin Swan 97336db31d Multiple accounts now working in mu4e. Adding some more spacemacs
layers. Misc spacemacs conf updates.
Dustin Swan 842492dd93 Adding 'dustin' config layer for spacemacs. updating gpg-agent ttl to 24 hours.
Dustin Swan a5041f006d More emacs, spacemacs, and mu4e stuff
Dustin Swan ec03e76843 Adding some more config layers to spacemacs
Dustin Swan 8cd7b681a5 Adding some packages to spacemacs. Adding a plugin to vim
Dustin Swan e79636ac80 Trying out spacemacs for a bit