Commit Graph

23 Commits (8c04f028b01356795951f6cb802da162bfba41df)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Dustin Swan aad400df4e changing https: to git: for vim-powerline submodule. doh
Dustin Swan 281d5f576a Added vim-powerline. Updated vim submodules
Dustin Swan 6acf92c032 Something about modifying submodules, adding ctrlp
Dustin Swan 88152e8cc1 Adding endwise vim plugin
Dustin Swan 9ec88c052b Adding the ruby, rails3, gem plugins to oh-my-zsh. Changing zsh theme. Adding vim-rails plugin
Dustin Swan aaf8e95a2f Adding MatchTag vim plugin
Dustin Swan 5a3490e27e Added oh-my-zsh submodule, updated zshrc
Dustin Swan 2873a9d785 Added gundo.vim, updated vim statusline, misc small changes to vimrc.
Dustin Swan 5cd04a0827 Adding CamelCaseMotion
Dustin Swan 981bb6fe6f Removing css-color vim plugin. I think it's buggy
Dustin Swan d705a9c08c Adding the showmarks vim plugin.
Dustin Swan c2de92a482 Adding vim-less
Dustin Swan 2c24620785 Adding vim-jade
Dustin Swan d6530acc84 Removing delimitMate
Dustin Swan 04add41bfd Adding nerdcommenter
Dustin Swan e7a25b9db1 Adding easymotion and updating vimrc
Dustin Swan d8b391a75d Adding snipmate and dependencies
Dustin Swan d0e82e12c6 Adding vim repeat and syntastic
Dustin Swan a907b15a5b Adding javascript indent and nerdtree vim plugins
Dustin Swan 590939c903 Adding css-color and vim surround
Dustin Swan 53f368cac1 Adding solarized and tagbar
Dustin Swan 0d299cbd7d Adding closetag and supertab
Dustin Swan 7cd035e82f Restarting vim config files using Pathogen. Added fugitive and delimitMate.