Commit Graph

79 Commits (c7dc95d6d85fe1e01bfd608d2003b891986ea76b)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Dustin Swan 8115dcac7a No longer need powerline stuff in vimrc
Dustin Swan 8e5c862e67 Adding vim-characterize
Dustin Swan 2ae60f2a0d Merging vim-dict csv-vim
Dustin Swan 2a54e42633 Adding csv.vim
Dustin Swan d687d02060 Adding vim-dict plugin
Dustin Swan d82ae3d4e3 Adding linux location for vim powerline bindings
Dustin Swan 2a50e55c43 Switching from the old separate powerlines to the new python powerline
Dustin Swan 2a3835781a Removing that \v thing for searching in Vim. Back to Magic mode :(
Dustin Swan 5d1931c94b Using fancy vim-powerline symbols again, and not clearing ctrlp's cache on exit.
Dustin Swan 2159f5481a Adding the vimrc line to not check ssl certs for vundle
Dustin Swan a5b25fac0a Adding vim git gutter thing and commenting out vim unimpared
Dustin Swan 0ca6d764cc Adding vim-unimpared, removing vim-rsi, making ack.vim use ag
Dustin Swan 80c39a0d91 Adding a test around my vim mouse settings to see if it is available
Dustin Swan c5601a494c Adding hdevtools to vimrc and some keybindings to show type and info
Dustin Swan aae5af2ad4 Adding ctrl-jkhl for moving between splits
Dustin Swan da2a736c7a Adding Haskell mode, commenting out neocomplcache for now, removing Clam and Gundo
Dustin Swan d8e78e5b22 Adding neocomplcache back (it works finally) and adding haskellmode-vim
Dustin Swan 20ba10eceb Adding Ack back to vimrc
Dustin Swan 99a1fe6603 Adding tpope's vim-rsi
Dustin Swan b5a6e418a6 Changing syntastic toggle map to S from s
Dustin Swan 122bb8c72b Adding vim-pad to vimrc
Dustin Swan 2b2f8e09e5 Merging and updating vimrc
Dustin Swan a9711064f3 Updating vimrc with random mappings
Dustin Swan 54a8db0509 Adding vim-ruby
Dustin Swan 67c34f9507 Adding .vim to some vundle packages.
Dustin Swan 91811e7d71 Disabling Ack for now
Dustin Swan 9c3f43663a Adding ultisnips to vimrc
Dustin Swan 37dde0b836 Merge branch 'master' of
Dustin Swan 0082054c52 Adding a bunch more mutt stuff to dotfiles. Small updates to vimrc, zshrc. Adding urlview.
Dustin Swan 903190bfd9 Adding vim-signature plugin
Dustin Swan d8595932d6 Putting solarized back in
Dustin Swan aa69313786 Disabling neocomplcache for now, setting dark color scheme now that I've disabled solarized
Dustin Swan a6f90f07c1 Adding tabularize vim plugin
Dustin Swan dd10ec5470 Merging
Dustin Swan 560c7fca3d Commenting out a bunch of unused vimrc stuff
Dustin Swan 6592e4208b Adding another #todo searcher for vim workflowish. Also cleaned up some spacing
Dustin Swan d118b39074 Only showing non-completed todos now for workflowy
Dustin Swan fb9da10b3d Updating workflowish keymaps to resize quickfix window
Dustin Swan 780b02df59 Adding workflowish stuff for vim
Dustin Swan ffdc68e336 Adding numbers.vim and vimux
Dustin Swan 57f9acb082 Adding undotree, neocomplcache and textobj-word-column plugins to vim. Oh and PIV..
Dustin Swan 7e2af8d8f5 Adding mouse support to vim. wtf
Dustin Swan bd92d433f4 Adding the <leader>l buffer switching map to vimrc.
Dustin Swan e8419b4fe4 Changing vimrc around: removing ctrl-p custom search, changing split keymap, changing trim-whitespace keymap
Dustin Swan ffc303b4aa Adding vim alias to trim whitespace
Dustin Swan 496cef7602 Adding gemrc and taking out bad ctrl-p algorithm
Dustin Swan f38fda8340 Adding shell=/bin/bash to vimrc and the ls -la alias to fish
Dustin Swan 807eb8283d Merge branch 'master' of
Dustin Swan 33fbfa8bc2 Adding the faster indexing to ctrl-p
Dustin Swan 7d43c2554f Pulling and resolving