# An example configuration for vdirsyncer.
# Optional parameters are commented out.

# A folder where vdirsyncer can store some metadata about each pair.
status_path = ~/.vdirsyncer/status/

#[pair google_contacts]
## A `[pair <name>]` block defines two storages `a` and `b` that should be
## synchronized. The definition of these storages follows in `[storage <name>]`
## blocks. This is similar to accounts in OfflineIMAP.
#a = google_contacts_local
#b = google_contacts_remote

## If you want to synchronize several addressbooks, calendars etc that share
## the same storage location and differ only in a suffix to this location
## (i.e., a subdirectory) you can use collections. The comma-separated values
## in this parameter represent these subdirectories and are added as URL
## segments or similar.

## Together with the definition of the following two `[storage]` blocks below
## in this example it means that
##   - https://owncloud.example.com/remote.php/carddav/addressbooks/bob/default/
##     will get synced with ~/.contacts/default/
##   - https://owncloud.example.com/remote.php/carddav/addressbooks/bob/work/
##     will get synced with ~/.contacts/work/

## Omitting this parameter implies that the given path and URL in the
## corresponding `[storage <name>]` blocks are already pointing to a
## collection each.
##collections = default,work

## conflict_resolution = None  # abort when collisions occur (default)
## conflict_resolution = a wins  # assume a's items to be more up-to-date
## conflict_resolution = b wins  # assume b's items to be more up-to-date

#[storage google_contacts_local]
## A storage references actual data on a remote server or on the local disk.
## Similar to repositories in OfflineIMAP.
#type = filesystem
#path = ~/.contacts/
#fileext = .vcf
#create = True  # create directory if it doesn't exist
#encoding = utf-8

#[storage google_contacts_remote]
#type = carddav
#url = http://google.com
##auth = basic  # basic|digest
#username = dustinswan@gmail.com # for http auth, if empty, no auth will be used

#true: The NSA can spy on you with some effort
#false: Everybody can spy on you with no effort
#path to SSL cert: People will call you paranoid
#verify = True

[pair google_calendar]
a = google_calendar_local
b = google_calendar_remote
#collections = private,work

[storage google_calendar_local]
type = filesystem
path = ~/Calendars/
fileext = .ics

[storage google_calendar_remote]
type = caldav
url = https://www.google.com/calendar/dav/dustinswan@gmail.com/user
auth = basic
username = dustinswan
#verify = True

# Optional: Specify a time range which should be synchronized. Either both
# start_date and end_date or neither have to be set. The default is to
# synchronize everything.  The following example synchronizes from one year in
# the past to one year in the future.

# All Python expressions are allowed here. The global namespace contains
# everything from the datetime module. The expression has to evaluate to a
# datetime.
#start_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=365)

# Here, start_date is also in the namespace.
#end_date = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=365)

#[pair holidays]
#a = holidays_local
#b = holidays_remote

#[storage holidays_local]
#type = filesystem
#path = ~/.config/vdir/calendars/holidays/
#fileext = .ics

#[storage holidays_remote]
#type = http
#url = https://mozorg.cdn.mozilla.net/media/caldata/QueenslandHolidays.ics
#auth = basic
#username =
#password =
#verify = True