# Antigen: A simple plugin manager for zsh # Authors: Shrikant Sharat Kandula # and Contributors # Homepage: http://antigen.sharats.me # License: MIT License # Each line in this string has the following entries separated by a space # character. # , , , # FIXME: Is not kept local by zsh! local _ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD="" local _ANTIGEN_INSTALL_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)" # Used to defer compinit/compdef typeset -a __deferred_compdefs compdef () { __deferred_compdefs=($__deferred_compdefs "$*") } # Syntaxes # antigen-bundle [=/] # Keyword only arguments: # branch - The branch of the repo to use for this bundle. antigen-bundle () { # Bundle spec arguments' default values. local url="$ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL" local loc=/ local branch= local no_local_clone=false local btype=plugin # Parse the given arguments. (Will overwrite the above values). eval "$(-antigen-parse-args \ 'url?, loc? ; branch:?, no-local-clone?, btype:?' \ "$@")" # Check if url is just the plugin name. Super short syntax. if [[ "$url" != */* ]]; then loc="plugins/$url" url="$ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL" fi # Resolve the url. url="$(-antigen-resolve-bundle-url "$url")" # Add the branch information to the url. if [[ ! -z $branch ]]; then url="$url|$branch" fi # The `make_local_clone` variable better represents whether there should be # a local clone made. For cloning to be avoided, firstly, the `$url` should # be an absolute local path and `$branch` should be empty. In addition to # these two conditions, either the `--no-local-clone` option should be # given, or `$url` should not a git repo. local make_local_clone=true if [[ $url == /* && -z $branch && ( $no_local_clone == true || ! -d $url/.git ) ]]; then make_local_clone=false fi # Add the theme extension to `loc`, if this is a theme. if [[ $btype == theme && $loc != *.zsh-theme ]]; then loc="$loc.zsh-theme" fi # Add it to the record. _ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD="$_ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD\n$url $loc $btype" _ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD="$_ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD $make_local_clone" # Ensure a clone exists for this repo, if needed. if $make_local_clone; then -antigen-ensure-repo "$url" fi # Load the plugin. -antigen-load "$url" "$loc" "$make_local_clone" } -antigen-resolve-bundle-url () { # Given an acceptable short/full form of a bundle's repo url, this function # echoes the full form of the repo's clone url. local url="$1" # Expand short github url syntax: `username/reponame`. if [[ $url != git://* && $url != https://* && $url != http://* && $url != ssh://* && $url != /* && $url != git@github.com:*/* ]]; then url="https://github.com/${url%.git}.git" fi echo "$url" } antigen-bundles () { # Bulk add many bundles at one go. Empty lines and lines starting with a `#` # are ignored. Everything else is given to `antigen-bundle` as is, no # quoting rules applied. local line grep '^[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]#]' | while read line; do # Using `eval` so that we can use the shell-style quoting in each line # piped to `antigen-bundles`. eval "antigen-bundle $line" done } antigen-update () { # Update your bundles, i.e., `git pull` in all the plugin repos. date >! $ADOTDIR/revert-info -antigen-echo-record | awk '$4 == "true" {print $1}' | sort -u | while read url; do echo "**** Pulling $url" local clone_dir="$(-antigen-get-clone-dir "$url")" if [[ -d "$clone_dir" ]]; then (echo -n "$clone_dir:" cd "$clone_dir" git rev-parse HEAD) >> $ADOTDIR/revert-info fi -antigen-ensure-repo "$url" --update --verbose echo done } antigen-revert () { if [[ -f $ADOTDIR/revert-info ]]; then cat $ADOTDIR/revert-info | sed -n '1!p' | while read line; do local dir="$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f1)" git --git-dir="$dir/.git" --work-tree="$dir" \ checkout "$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f2)" 2> /dev/null done echo "Reverted to state before running -update on $( cat $ADOTDIR/revert-info | sed -n '1p')." else echo 'No revert information available. Cannot revert.' >&2 return 1 fi } -antigen-get-clone-dir () { # Takes a repo url and gives out the path that this url needs to be cloned # to. Doesn't actually clone anything. echo -n $ADOTDIR/repos/ if [[ "$1" == "https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto.git" ]]; then # Prezto's directory *has* to be `.zprezto`. echo .zprezto else echo "$1" | sed \ -e 's./.-SLASH-.g' \ -e 's.:.-COLON-.g' \ -e 's.|.-PIPE-.g' fi } -antigen-get-clone-url () { # Takes a repo's clone dir and gives out the repo's original url that was # used to create the given directory path. if [[ "$1" == ".zprezto" ]]; then # Prezto's (in `.zprezto`), is assumed to be from `sorin-ionescu`'s # remote. echo https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto.git else echo "$1" | sed \ -e "s:^$ADOTDIR/repos/::" \ -e 's.-SLASH-./.g' \ -e 's.-COLON-.:.g' \ -e 's.-PIPE-.|.g' fi } -antigen-ensure-repo () { # Ensure that a clone exists for the given repo url and branch. If the first # argument is `--update` and if a clone already exists for the given repo # and branch, it is pull-ed, i.e., updated. # Argument defaults. # The url. No sane default for this, so just empty. local url= # Check if we have to update. local update=false # Verbose output. local verbose=false eval "$(-antigen-parse-args 'url ; update?, verbose?' "$@")" shift $# # Get the clone's directory as per the given repo url and branch. local clone_dir="$(-antigen-get-clone-dir $url)" # A temporary function wrapping the `git` command with repeated arguments. --plugin-git () { (cd "$clone_dir" && git --no-pager "$@") } # Clone if it doesn't already exist. if [[ ! -d $clone_dir ]]; then git clone --recursive "${url%|*}" "$clone_dir" elif $update; then # Save current revision. local old_rev="$(--plugin-git rev-parse HEAD)" # Pull changes if update requested. --plugin-git pull # Update submodules. --plugin-git submodule update --recursive # Get the new revision. local new_rev="$(--plugin-git rev-parse HEAD)" fi # If its a specific branch that we want, checkout that branch. if [[ $url == *\|* ]]; then local current_branch=${$(--plugin-git symbolic-ref HEAD)##refs/heads/} local requested_branch="${url#*|}" # Only do the checkout when we are not already on the branch. [[ $requested_branch != $current_branch ]] && --plugin-git checkout $requested_branch fi if [[ -n $old_rev && $old_rev != $new_rev ]]; then echo Updated from ${old_rev:0:7} to ${new_rev:0:7}. if $verbose; then --plugin-git log --oneline --reverse --no-merges --stat '@{1}..' fi fi # Remove the temporary git wrapper function. unfunction -- --plugin-git } -antigen-load () { local url="$1" local loc="$2" local make_local_clone="$3" # The full location where the plugin is located. local location if $make_local_clone; then location="$(-antigen-get-clone-dir "$url")/" else location="$url/" fi [[ $loc != "/" ]] && location="$location$loc" if [[ -f "$location" ]]; then source "$location" else # Source the plugin script. # FIXME: I don't know. Looks very very ugly. Needs a better # implementation once tests are ready. local script_loc="$(ls "$location" | grep '\.plugin\.zsh$' | head -n1)" if [[ -f $location/$script_loc ]]; then # If we have a `*.plugin.zsh`, source it. source "$location/$script_loc" elif [[ -f $location/init.zsh ]]; then # If we have a `init.zsh` if (( $+functions[pmodload] )); then # If pmodload is defined pmodload the module. Remove `modules/` # from loc to find module name. pmodload "${loc#modules/}" else # Otherwise source it. source "$location/init.zsh" fi elif ls "$location" | grep -l '\.zsh$' &> /dev/null; then # If there is no `*.plugin.zsh` file, source *all* the `*.zsh` # files. for script ($location/*.zsh(N)) { source "$script" } elif ls "$location" | grep -l '\.sh$' &> /dev/null; then # If there are no `*.zsh` files either, we look for and source any # `*.sh` files instead. for script ($location/*.sh(N)) { source "$script" } fi # Add to $fpath, for completion(s), if not in there already if (( ! ${fpath[(I)$location]} )); then fpath=($location $fpath) fi fi } # Update (with `git pull`) antigen itself. # TODO: Once update is finished, show a summary of the new commits, as a kind of # "what's new" message. antigen-selfupdate () { ( cd $_ANTIGEN_INSTALL_DIR if [[ ! ( -d .git || -f .git ) ]]; then echo "Your copy of antigen doesn't appear to be a git clone. " \ "The 'selfupdate' command cannot work in this case." return 1 fi local head="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" if [[ $head == "HEAD" ]]; then # If current head is detached HEAD, checkout to master branch. git checkout master fi git pull ) } antigen-cleanup () { # Cleanup unused repositories. local force=false if [[ $1 == --force ]]; then force=true fi if [[ ! -d "$ADOTDIR/repos" || -z "$(\ls "$ADOTDIR/repos/")" ]]; then echo "You don't have any bundles." return 0 fi # Find directores in ADOTDIR/repos, that are not in the bundles record. local unused_clones="$(comm -13 \ <(-antigen-echo-record | awk '$4 == "true" {print $1}' | while read line; do -antigen-get-clone-dir "$line" done | sort -u) \ <(\ls -d "$ADOTDIR/repos/"* | sort -u))" if [[ -z $unused_clones ]]; then echo "You don't have any unidentified bundles." return 0 fi echo 'You have clones for the following repos, but are not used.' echo "$unused_clones" | while read line; do -antigen-get-clone-url "$line" done | sed -e 's/^/ /' -e 's/|/, branch /' if $force || (echo -n '\nDelete them all? [y/N] '; read -q); then echo echo echo "$unused_clones" | while read line; do echo -n "Deleting clone for $(-antigen-get-clone-url "$line")..." rm -rf "$line" echo ' done.' done else echo echo Nothing deleted. fi } antigen-use () { if [[ $1 == oh-my-zsh ]]; then -antigen-use-oh-my-zsh elif [[ $1 == prezto ]]; then -antigen-use-prezto else echo 'Usage: antigen-use ' >&2 echo 'Where is any one of the following:' >&2 echo ' * oh-my-zsh' >&2 echo ' * prezto' >&2 return 1 fi } -antigen-use-oh-my-zsh () { if [[ -z "$ZSH" ]]; then export ZSH="$(-antigen-get-clone-dir "$ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL")" fi if [[ -z "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR" ]]; then export ZSH_CACHE_DIR="$ZSH/cache/" fi antigen-bundle --loc=lib } -antigen-use-prezto () { antigen-bundle sorin-ionescu/prezto export ZDOTDIR=$ADOTDIR/repos/ } # For backwards compatibility. antigen-lib () { -antigen-use-oh-my-zsh echo '`antigen-lib` is deprecated and will soon be removed.' echo 'Use `antigen-use oh-my-zsh` instead.' } # For backwards compatibility. antigen-prezto-lib () { -antigen-use-prezto echo '`antigen-prezto-lib` is deprecated and will soon be removed.' echo 'Use `antigen-use prezto` instead.' } antigen-theme () { if [[ "$1" != */* && "$1" != --* ]]; then # The first argument is just a name of the plugin, to be picked up from # the default repo. local name="${1:-robbyrussell}" antigen-bundle --loc=themes/$name --btype=theme else antigen-bundle "$@" --btype=theme fi } antigen-apply () { # Initialize completion. local cdef # Load the compinit module. This will readefine the `compdef` function to # the one that actually initializes completions. autoload -U compinit if [[ -z $ANTIGEN_COMPDUMPFILE ]]; then compinit -i else compinit -i -d $ANTIGEN_COMPDUMPFILE fi # Apply all `compinit`s that have been deferred. eval "$(for cdef in $__deferred_compdefs; do echo compdef $cdef done)" unset __deferred_compdefs } antigen-list () { # List all currently installed bundles. if [[ -z "$_ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD" ]]; then echo "You don't have any bundles." >&2 return 1 else -antigen-echo-record | sort -u fi } antigen-snapshot () { local snapshot_file="${1:-antigen-shapshot}" # The snapshot content lines are pairs of repo-url and git version hash, in # the form: # local snapshot_content="$(-antigen-echo-record | grep 'true$' | sed 's/ .*$//' | sort -u | while read url; do local dir="$(-antigen-get-clone-dir "$url")" local version_hash="$(cd "$dir" && git rev-parse HEAD)" echo "$version_hash $url" done)" { # The first line in the snapshot file is for metadata, in the form: # key='value'; key='value'; key='value'; # Where `key`s are valid shell variable names. # Snapshot version. Has no relation to antigen version. If the snapshot # file format changes, this number can be incremented. echo -n "version='1';" # Snapshot creation date+time. echo -n " created_on='$(date)';" # Add a checksum with the md5 checksum of all the snapshot lines. chksum() { (md5sum; test $? = 127 && md5) 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f1 } local checksum="$(echo "$snapshot_content" | chksum)" unset -f chksum; echo -n " checksum='${checksum%% *}';" # A newline after the metadata and then the snapshot lines. echo "\n$snapshot_content" } > "$snapshot_file" } antigen-restore () { if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then echo 'Please provide a snapshot file to restore from.' >&2 return 1 fi local snapshot_file="$1" # TODO: Before doing anything with the snapshot file, verify its checksum. # If it fails, notify this to the user and confirm if restore should # proceed. echo -n "Restoring from $snapshot_file..." sed -n '1!p' "$snapshot_file" | while read line; do local version_hash="${line%% *}" local url="${line##* }" local clone_dir="$(-antigen-get-clone-dir "$url")" if [[ ! -d $clone_dir ]]; then git clone "$url" "$clone_dir" &> /dev/null fi (cd "$clone_dir" && git checkout $version_hash) &> /dev/null done echo ' done.' echo 'Please open a new shell to get the restored changes.' } antigen-help () { cat <&2 return 1 fi shift if functions "antigen-$cmd" > /dev/null; then "antigen-$cmd" "$@" else echo "Antigen: Unknown command: $cmd" >&2 fi } -antigen-parse-args () { # An argument parsing functionality to parse arguments the *antigen* way :). # Takes one first argument (called spec), which dictates how to parse and # the rest of the arguments are parsed. Outputs a piece of valid shell code # that can be passed to `eval` inside a function which creates the arguments # and their values as local variables. Suggested use is to set the defaults # to all arguments first and then eval the output of this function. # Spec: Only long argument supported. No support for parsing short options. # The spec must have two sections, separated by a `;`. # ';' # Positional arguments are passed as just values, like `command a b`. # Keyword arguments are passed as a `--name=value` pair, like `command # --arg1=a --arg2=b`. # Each argument in the spec is separated by a `,`. Each keyword argument can # end in a `:` to specifiy that this argument wants a value, otherwise it # doesn't take a value. (The value in the output when the keyword argument # doesn't have a `:` is `true`). # Arguments in either section can end with a `?` (should come after `:`, if # both are present), means optional. FIXME: Not yet implemented. # See the test file, tests/arg-parser.t for (working) examples. local spec="$1" shift # Sanitize the spec spec="$(echo "$spec" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g')" local code='' --add-var () { test -z "$code" || code="$code\n" code="${code}local $1='$2'" } local positional_args="$(echo "$spec" | cut -d\; -f1)" local positional_args_count="$(echo $positional_args | awk -F, '{print NF}')" # Set spec values based on the positional arguments. local i=1 while [[ -n $1 && $1 != --* ]]; do if (( $i > $positional_args_count )); then echo "Only $positional_args_count positional arguments allowed." >&2 echo "Found at least one more: '$1'" >&2 return fi local name_spec="$(echo "$positional_args" | cut -d, -f$i)" local name="${${name_spec%\?}%:}" local value="$1" if echo "$code" | grep -l "^local $name=" &> /dev/null; then echo "Argument '$name' repeated with the value '$value'". >&2 return fi --add-var $name "$value" shift i=$(($i + 1)) done local keyword_args="$( # Positional arguments can double up as keyword arguments too. echo "$positional_args" | tr , '\n' | while read line; do if [[ $line == *\? ]]; then echo "${line%?}:?" else echo "$line:" fi done # Specified keyword arguments. echo "$spec" | cut -d\; -f2 | tr , '\n' )" local keyword_args_count="$(echo $keyword_args | awk -F, '{print NF}')" # Set spec values from keyword arguments, if any. The remaining arguments # are all assumed to be keyword arguments. while [[ $1 == --* ]]; do # Remove the `--` at the start. local arg="${1#--}" # Get the argument name and value. if [[ $arg != *=* ]]; then local name="$arg" local value='' else local name="${arg%\=*}" local value="${arg#*=}" fi if echo "$code" | grep -l "^local $name=" &> /dev/null; then echo "Argument '$name' repeated with the value '$value'". >&2 return fi # The specification for this argument, used for validations. local arg_line="$(echo "$keyword_args" | egrep "^$name:?\??" | head -n1)" # Validate argument and value. if [[ -z $arg_line ]]; then # This argument is not known to us. echo "Unknown argument '$name'." >&2 return elif (echo "$arg_line" | grep -l ':' &> /dev/null) && [[ -z $value ]]; then # This argument needs a value, but is not provided. echo "Required argument for '$name' not provided." >&2 return elif (echo "$arg_line" | grep -vl ':' &> /dev/null) && [[ -n $value ]]; then # This argument doesn't need a value, but is provided. echo "No argument required for '$name', but provided '$value'." >&2 return fi if [[ -z $value ]]; then value=true fi --add-var "${name//-/_}" "$value" shift done echo "$code" unfunction -- --add-var } # Echo the bundle specs as in the record. The first line is not echoed since it # is a blank line. -antigen-echo-record () { echo "$_ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD" | sed -n '1!p' } -antigen-env-setup () { # Helper function: Same as `export $1=$2`, but will only happen if the name # specified by `$1` is not already set. -set-default () { local arg_name="$1" local arg_value="$2" eval "test -z \"\$$arg_name\" && export $arg_name='$arg_value'" } # Pre-startup initializations. -set-default ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL \ https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git -set-default ADOTDIR $HOME/.antigen # Setup antigen's own completion. compdef _antigen antigen # Remove private functions. unfunction -- -set-default } # Setup antigen's autocompletion _antigen () { local -a _1st_arguments _1st_arguments=( 'bundle:Install and load the given plugin' 'bundles:Bulk define bundles' 'update:Update all bundles' 'revert:Revert the state of all bundles to how they were before the last antigen update' 'list:List out the currently loaded bundles' 'cleanup:Clean up the clones of repos which are not used by any bundles currently loaded' 'use:Load any (supported) zsh pre-packaged framework' 'theme:Switch the prompt theme' 'apply:Load all bundle completions' 'snapshot:Create a snapshot of all the active clones' 'restore:Restore the bundles state as specified in the snapshot' 'selfupdate:Update antigen itself' 'help:Print help message' ) __bundle() { _arguments \ '--loc[Path to the location ]' \ '--url[Path to the repository ]' \ '--branch[Git branch name]' \ '--no-local-clone[Do not create a clone]' \ '--btype[Indicates whether the bundle is a theme or a simple plugin]' } __cleanup() { _arguments \ '--force[Do not ask for confirmation]' } _arguments '*:: :->command' if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then _describe -t commands "antigen command" _1st_arguments return fi local -a _command_args case "$words[1]" in bundle) __bundle ;; use) compadd "$@" "oh-my-zsh" "prezto" ;; cleanup) __cleanup ;; esac } -antigen-env-setup