{ pkgs, ... }: let secrets = import ./secrets.nix; in { home.stateVersion = "18.09"; home.packages = with pkgs; [ # AI # aichat # aider mods shell_gpt fd mosh w3m nnn hexyl wget httpie nmap timg sox du-dust restic bitwarden-cli gnupg gpg-tui rage sd libqalculate glow spotify-tui spotifyd yt-dlp youtube-tui amfora duf pandoc pastel jq jo fx jc miller # sc-im cacert weechat cointop tz ddgr so silicon visidata magic-wormhole nixfmt shellcheck vale # tectonic # zathura # lilypond-with-fonts nodejs deno bun yarn lazydocker nodePackages.typescript-language-server nodePackages.stylelint nodePackages.js-beautify nodePackages.intelephense nodePackages.expo-cli nodePackages.localtunnel ocaml dune_2 ocamlPackages.utop ocamlPackages.ocp-indent ocamlPackages.merlin # rustup rustc cargo zig go cmake python3 python312Packages.pip racket-minimal ghc haskell-language-server hlint haskellPackages.hoogle lua53Packages.luarocks translate-shell ispell aspell aspellDicts.en aspellDicts.en-computers aspellDicts.en-science aspellDicts.fr aspellDicts.de aspellDicts.eo aspellDicts.es ]; home.sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "vim"; BROWSER = "open"; TZ_LIST = "US/Pacific;US/Mountain;US/Central;US/Eastern;Europe/London;Europe/Kiev;Asia/Shanghai;Asia/Tokyo"; inherit (secrets.openai) OPENAI_API_KEY; }; home.sessionPath = [ "$HOME/.cargo/bin" "$HOME/.npm-global/bin" "/opt/homebrew/opt/php@7.4/bin" "/opt/homebrew/opt/php@7.4/sbin" ]; programs.home-manager.enable = true; programs.tmux = { enable = true; shortcut = "a"; keyMode = "vi"; mouse = true; baseIndex = 1; newSession = true; secureSocket = false; terminal = "tmux-256color"; plugins = with pkgs.tmuxPlugins; [ sensible resurrect # prefix ctrl-s to save sessions; prefix ctrl-r to restore continuum # automatically save the session every 15 minutes sessionist # prefix g to switch sessions; prefix C to create; prefix X to kill; prefix S to switch back; prefix @ to promote; prefix t f to join marked pane pain-control # prefix |, -, \, _ to split; prefix h, j, k, l to switch; prefix H, J, K, L to resize; prefix <, > to move windows fzf-tmux-url # prefix u -> fzf urls yank # prefix y -> copy command line to clipboard; prefix Y -> copy pwd to clipboard; search + y -> copy to clipboard open # highlight: o -> open; ctrl-o -> $EDITOR; S -> web search vim-tmux-navigator # ctrl-h, -j, -k, -l -> move between tmux and vim splits extrakto # prefix tab -> fuzzy find text on screen; enter to copy; tab to paste ]; extraConfig = '' set -g status-right "" set -g status-left "" set -g status-style fg=white set-window-option -g window-status-format '#[fg=cyan,bright,dim]#I #[fg=white,bright,dim]#W ' set-window-option -g window-status-current-format '#[fg=cyan,bright,nodim]#I #[fg=white,bright,nodim]#W ' set -ag terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:RGB" ''; }; programs.eza = { enable = true; enableAliases = true; git = true; }; programs.zoxide = { # z doc -> cd ~/Documents; zi -> interactive enable = true; enableZshIntegration = true; }; programs.zsh = { enable = true; enableAutosuggestions = true; syntaxHighlighting.enable = true; oh-my-zsh = { enable = true; plugins = [ "git" "httpie" "aws" "fd" "fzf" "mosh" "npm" "ripgrep" "rsync" "sudo" "yarn" "vi-mode" ]; }; }; programs.direnv = { enable = true; enableZshIntegration = true; }; programs.starship = { enable = true; enableZshIntegration = true; }; programs.fzf = { # ctrl-t, ctrl-r, ssh ** enable = true; enableZshIntegration = true; defaultCommand = "fd --type file --color=always"; defaultOptions = [ "--height 40%" "--border" "--ansi" "--color bg+:#302D41,bg:#1E1E2E,spinner:#F8BD96,hl:#F28FAD" "--color=fg:#D9E0EE,header:#F28FAD,info:#DDB6F2,pointer:#F8BD96" "--color=marker:#F8BD96,fg+:#F2CDCD,prompt:#DDB6F2,hl+:#F28FAD" ]; fileWidgetCommand = "fd --type file --color=always"; fileWidgetOptions = [ "--min-height 30 --preview-window noborder --preview '(bat --style=numbers,changes --wrap never --color always {} || cat {} || tree -C {}) 2> /dev/null'" ]; }; programs.ssh = { enable = true; matchBlocks = { dustinswan = { inherit (secrets.dustinswan) user; inherit (secrets.dustinswan) hostname; }; mr = { inherit (secrets.mr) user; inherit (secrets.mr) hostname; identityFile = "/Users/dustinswan/.ssh/id_rsa_mr"; identitiesOnly = true; }; mr-prod = { inherit (secrets.mr-prod) user; inherit (secrets.mr-prod) hostname; identityFile = "/Users/dustinswan/.ssh/id_rsa_mr"; identitiesOnly = true; }; mr-prod2 = { inherit (secrets.mr-prod2) user; inherit (secrets.mr-prod2) hostname; identityFile = "/Users/dustinswan/.ssh/id_rsa_mr"; identitiesOnly = true; }; }; }; programs.git = { enable = true; userName = "Dustin Swan"; userEmail = "dustin@dustinswan.com"; signing = { signByDefault = true; key = "AD11750151C10881970BD943AB49BD6B2B3A6377"; }; delta.enable = true; }; programs.jujutsu = { enable = true; enableZshIntegration = true; }; programs.gh.enable = true; programs.lazygit.enable = true; programs.gitui.enable = true; programs.neovim = { enable = true; viAlias = true; vimAlias = true; vimdiffAlias = true; withNodeJs = true; withPython3 = true; withRuby = true; }; # xdg.configFile."nvim/lua/plugins/lazyvim-plugins.lua".source = ./lazyvim-plugins.lua; programs.btop = { enable = true; settings = { color_theme = "tokyo-night"; theme_background = false; vim_keys = true; }; }; programs.bat.enable = true; programs.yazi.enable = true; # programs.bottom.enable = true; programs.gpg.enable = true; programs.mpv.enable = true; programs.noti.enable = true; programs.tealdeer.enable = true; programs.ripgrep.enable = true; programs.keychain = { enable = true; enableZshIntegration = true; inheritType = "any"; agents = [ "gpg" "ssh" ]; keys = [ "id_rsa" "id_rsa_mr" "2B3A6377" ]; }; programs.newsboat = { enable = true; extraConfig = '' urls-source "inoreader" inoreader-app-id "${secrets.inoreader.id}" inoreader-app-key "${secrets.inoreader.key}" inoreader-login "dustin@dustinswan.com" inoreader-passwordeval "gpg --decrypt ~/.inoreader-password.gpg" inoreader-min-items 100 unbind-key j unbind-key k bind-key j down bind-key k up ''; }; }