#!/bin/bash sudo -v # ask for password only at the beginning ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)" # Homebrew brew update brew upgrade #brew tap homebrew/versions brew tap homebrew/dupes brew tap phinze/homebrew-cask brew tap jimbojsb/launchrocket brew install coreutils brew install findutils brew install aspell brew install git brew install perforce brew install tmux brew install wget --enable-iri brew install weechat --with-aspell --with-python --with-ruby brew install ranger brew install bash brew install zsh brew install ack brew install tree brew install imagesnap brew install imagemagick brew install openssl brew install openssh --with-brewed-openssl brew install ssh-copy-id brew install ffind brew install node brew install ruby-install # brew install chruby brew install python --with-brewed-openssl brew install macvim --HEAD --override-system-vim brew install msmtp brew install mutt brew install urlview brew install isync brew install mosh brew install haskell-platform brew install brew-cask brew cask install rdio brew cask install alfred brew cask alfred link brew cask install slate brew cask install google-chrome brew cask install charles brew cask install dropbox brew cask install iterm2 #brew cask install macvim brew cask install vlc brew cask install transmission brew cask install firefox brew cask install the-unarchiver brew cask install electrum brew cask install steam brew cask install sketchup #brew cask install gpgtools ??? #brew cask install vagrant #brew cask install bittorrent-sync #brew cask install truecrypt brew cask install asepsis brew cask install keyremap4macbook brew cask install audacity brew cask install launchrocket brew cask install thunderbird brew cleanup # Symlinks bash ~/dotfiles/symlinks.sh # Python pip install --upgrade setuptools pip install --upgrade pip pip install git+git://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline # Ruby TODO -- set up chruby, ruby-install some stuff ruby-install ruby 1.9 ruby-install ruby 2.1 chruby 1.9 # Gems TODO gem install earthquake # Node packages TODO # Cabal packages TODO # Sane OS X defaults bash ~/dotfiles/osx # Run some of these: Alfred, slate, asepsis, keyremap4macbook, etc. # App Store echo "Install Xcode and Pixelmator from the App Store!"