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Dustin Swan 0107c1969a Switching back from airline to powerline. Adding openurl plugin instead of bad ruby regex
bin Adding osx sane defaults, adding more packages to brew script, updating readme, PATH
fontconfig/conf.d Adding fonts and fontconfig to dotfiles
fonts Updating powerline fonts
luakit Adding luakit scripts, creating a mutt folder instead of just .muttrc, and adding urlview config
mutt Trying out hybrid vim colorscheme, adding screen-256color to zshrc
mutt_for_offlineimap Splitting out mutt config for offlineimap
powerline Adding Powerline config
vim/bundle Adding keyremap4macbook and asepsis to casks. Adding ta alias for tmux attach
weechat Adding weechat default conifgs
.gitignore Cleaning up dotfiles gitignore
.gitmodules Moving around some dotfiles. Getting more symlink creation in the script.
README.md Adding osx sane defaults, adding more packages to brew script, updating readme, PATH
Xmodmap Using xmodmap for caps lock -> control, and Xcape for tap caps -> Esc
Xresources Fixing up some more xmonad settings, conky, dzen2, switching fonts in Xresources again to Tamsynmod, etc
ackrc Adding ackrc. New to this. Just want it to search text files.
bootstrap-mac.sh Adding/removing some brews. Adding some python/ruby packages.
config.fish Adding some PATH stuff, adding chruby-fish
conky Fullscreen float for xmonad and adding mail to conky
gcalclirc smaller columns for gcalcli
gemrc Adding gemrc and pentadactylrc
ghci.conf Adding ghci.conf
gitconfig Adding simple push to gitconfig
mailcap Getting closer to a working mutt config
mbsyncrc Breaking mail stuff
msmtprc Adding msmtprc for my 2 email accounts
notmuch-config Breaking mail stuff
osx Moving around some dotfiles. Getting more symlink creation in the script.
ruby-version Adding default ruby_version file for chruby
slate.js Changing slate.js commands
symlinks.sh Adding urlview to symlink script
tmux.conf Fixing up tmux.conf ordering
urlview.linux different urlview configs per os
urlview.mac different urlview configs per os
vimrc Switching back from airline to powerline. Adding openurl plugin instead of bad ruby regex
vromerc Updating vromerc for feedly, adding key shortcuts.
xinitrc Using xmodmap for caps lock -> control, and Xcape for tap caps -> Esc
xmonad.hs Fullscreen float for xmonad and adding mail to conky
zshrc Adding fish config, removing stuff from zsh, switching to mosh for my vps connection.. yikes



I primarily use OS X and Arch Linux. UNIX Philosophy when relevant.

Current tool set:

  • tmux
  • fish
  • vim + vundle + too many plugins
  • mutt + offlineimap + notmuch (new to this. Also considering mbsync. Also considering notmuch + frontend)
  • weechat

Linux-only tools:

  • XMonad + dzen2 + conky
  • urxvt
  • luakit

OS X-only tools:

  • Amethyst