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26 lines
681 B

PROMPT="%~ > "
alias vi=vim
alias tmux="tmux -2"
export EDITOR=vim
export BROWSER=luakit
# VCS stuff
export P4USER=dswan
export P4PORT=""
export P4CONFIG=p4.cfg
export P4EDITOR=vim
export SVN_EDITOR=vim
# IOCOM stuff
# sync visidev to latest Perforce
alias visidev="ssh 'cd /; p4 sync'"
alias dswan="ssh"
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH # Homebrew
export PATH=/Applications/$PATH # Postgres
export PATH=$HOME/Library/Haskell/bin:$PATH # Haskell
export PATH=$HOME/dotfiles/bin:$PATH # Dotfiles bin
export PATH=$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH # rbenv
eval "$(rbenv init -)"