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17 lines
594 B

background yes
out_to_console yes
out_to_x no
update_interval 1
# hd: ${fs_used}/${fs_size} \
#± ${weather '' 'KORD' temperature} \
^fg(slate gray)Ú^fg() ^fg(white)${downspeedf eth0}KiB ^fg()\
^fg(slate gray)Û^fg() ^fg(white)${upspeedf eth0}KiB ^fg()\
^fg(slate gray)ê^fg() ^fg(white)${mixer vol}% ^fg()\
^fg(slate gray)¡^fg() ^fg(white)${battery_percent}% ^fg()\
^fg(slate gray)Ñ^fg() ^fg(white)${cpu}% ^fg()\
^fg(slate gray)Î^fg() ^fg(white)${memperc}% ^fg()\
^fg(slate gray)É^fg() ^fg(white)${time %d %b %R}^fg() \