You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

198 lines
5.0 KiB

{ pkgs, ... }:
secrets = import ./secrets.nix;
home.packages = with pkgs; [ vdirsyncer khard khal imapnotify ];
programs.mbsync.enable = true;
programs.msmtp.enable = true;
programs.himalaya.enable = true;
programs.notmuch.enable = true;
programs.aerc.enable = true;
programs.aerc.extraConfig.general.unsafe-accounts-conf = true; = {
maildirBasePath = "Mail";
certificatesFile = "${builtins.getEnv "HOME"}/.nix-profile/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";
accounts = {
FastMail = {
flavor = "";
address = "";
aliases = [ "" ];
realName = "Dustin Swan";
primary = true;
folders = {
inbox = "INBOX";
drafts = "Drafts";
sent = "Sent";
trash = "Trash";
userName = "";
gpg = {
signByDefault = true;
key = "AD11750151C10881970BD943AB49BD6B2B3A6377";
passwordCommand = "gpg -dq ${builtins.getEnv "HOME"}/";
mbsync = {
enable = true;
create = "maildir";
expunge = "maildir";
# imapnotify = {
# enable = true;
# boxes = [ "INBOX" ];
# onNotify = "\${pkgs.isync}/bin/mbsync -a";
# onNotifyPost = { mail = "\${pkgs.noti}/bin/noti 'New mail'"; };
# };
notmuch.enable = true;
msmtp.enable = true;
aerc.enable = true;
# himalaya = {
# enable = true;
# settings = {
# backend = "maildir";
# maildir.root-dir = "";
# message.send.backend = "smtp";
# sent-folder = "Sent";
# draft-folder = "Drafts";
# };
# };
signature = {
text = ''Dustin Swan |'';
showSignature = "append";
MajorRocket = {
flavor = "";
address = "";
realName = "Dustin Swan";
primary = false;
folders = {
inbox = "Inbox";
drafts = "[Gmail]/Drafts";
sent = "[Gmail]/Sent Mail";
trash = "[Gmail]/Trash";
userName = "";
passwordCommand = "gpg -dq ${builtins.getEnv "HOME"}/";
mbsync = {
enable = true;
create = "maildir";
expunge = "maildir";
msmtp.enable = true;
notmuch.enable = true;
aerc.enable = true;
# himalaya = {
# enable = true;
# };
signature = {
text = ''Dustin Swan | Major Rocket'';
showSignature = "append";
# TODO: home-manager now supports all this, don't need to do custom config files
home.file.vdirsyncer = {
target = ".config/vdirsyncer/config";
text = ''[general]
status_path = "~/.vdirsyncer/status/"
[pair fastmail_contacts]
a = "fastmail_contacts_local"
b = "fastmail_contacts_remote"
collections = ["from b"]
conflict_resolution = "b wins"
[storage fastmail_contacts_local]
type = "filesystem"
path = "~/Contacts/"
fileext = ".vcf"
[storage fastmail_contacts_remote]
type = "carddav"
url = ""
username = ""
password.fetch = ["command", "~/dotfiles/bin/decrypt-password", ""]
[pair fastmail_calendar]
a = "fastmail_calendar_local"
b = "fastmail_calendar_remote"
collections = ["from b"]
conflict_resolution = "b wins"
metadata = ["color", "displayname"]
[storage fastmail_calendar_local]
type = "filesystem"
path = "~/Calendars/Fastmail"
fileext = ".ics"
[storage fastmail_calendar_remote]
type = "caldav"
url = ""
username = ""
password.fetch = ["command", "~/dotfiles/bin/decrypt-password", ""]
[pair google_calendar]
a = "google_calendar_local"
b = "google_calendar_remote"
collections = null
# conflict_resolution = "b wins"
# metadata = ["color", "displayname"]
[storage google_calendar_local]
type = "filesystem"
path = "~/Calendars/Google"
fileext = ".ics"
[storage google_calendar_remote]
type = "http"
url = "${}"
# type = "google_calendar"
# token_file = "~/token_file"
# client_id = "${}"
# client_secret = "${}"
home.file.khard = {
target = ".config/khard/khard.conf";
text = ''[addressbooks]
path = ~/Contacts/Default
default_action = list'';
home.file.khal = {
target = ".config/khal/config";
text = ''[calendars]
path = ~/Calendars/Fastmail/*
color = light green
type = discover
path = ~/Calendars/Google
color = light blue
type = discover
timeformat = %H:%M
dateformat = %Y-%m-%d
longdateformat = %Y-%m-%d
datetimeformat = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M
longdatetimeformat = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M'';