<li title="I started writing JavaScript in ~2008, and have recently (thankfully) made the switch to TypeScript. It's been a long journey! Gone are the days of manually futzing with the Prototype chain..">JavaScript / TypeScript</li>
<li>HTML / CSS / WebRTC / WebSockets</li>
<li>React / Preact / MobX</li>
<li><spanclass="tooltip tooltip-accent" data-tip="I started writing JavaScript in ~2008, and have recently (thankfully) made the switch to TypeScript. It's been a long journey! Gone are the days of manually futzing with the Prototype chain..">JavaScript</span> / NodeJS / HTML / <spanclass="tooltip tooltip-accent"data-tip="I ♡ CSS. Flexbox has increased my quality of life in a big way. I've also used a few preprocessors like Sass & Less, and I tried out Tailwind for the first time on this page - I think I like it!">CSS</a></li>
<li><spanclass="tooltip tooltip-accent"data-tip="I built our video conferencing web application using WebRTC. For the first few years it was a constant battle with Browsers changing their APIs every version, but that has mostly settled down. Safari is still awful, of course.">WebRTC</span> / WebSockets / REST / AJAX</li>
<li><spanclass="tooltip tooltip-accent"data-tip="I did Advent of Code 2020 in OCaml (see my Git repo), and it was pretty great.">OCaml</span>/ <spanclass="tooltip tooltip-accent"data-tip="Then I did AoC 2021 in Racket. I didn't find it as easy as OCaml. I think I just need more practice with Lisp">Racket</span> / <spanclass="tooltip tooltip-accent"data-tip="Currently learning Rust. I'll be doing this year's AoC in it. Wish me luck!">Rust</span> / Wasm</li>
<li><spanclass="tooltip tooltip-accent"data-tip="Huge fan of Nix. I've replaced Homebrew on MacOS with Nix, I run NixOS on my VMs, and I use home-manager to manage my dotfiles. So good!">NixOS</span>/ <spanclass="tooltip tooltip-accent"data-tip="I've been using vi since I was a teenager. I used Emacs for a few years (mostly for Org-mode), but came back to vi when Neovim started getting good.">Neovim</span> / Command Line ♡</li>