No more emacs! Now that nvim-orgmode is good. & some cleaning

Dustin Swan 2 years ago
parent aa91136c43
commit 5c2b4c3d7b
Signed by: dustinswan
GPG Key ID: AB49BD6B2B3A6377

@ -2,14 +2,6 @@
let let
secrets = import ./secrets.nix; secrets = import ./secrets.nix;
doom-emacs = pkgs.callPackage
(builtins.fetchTarball {
url =;
doomPrivateDir = ./doom;
in in
{ {
home.packages = with pkgs; [ home.packages = with pkgs; [
@ -54,6 +46,7 @@ in
nodePackages.typescript-language-server nodePackages.typescript-language-server
nodePackages.stylelint nodePackages.stylelint
nodePackages.js-beautify nodePackages.js-beautify
ocaml ocaml
dune_2 dune_2
ocamlPackages.utop ocamlPackages.utop
@ -73,8 +66,6 @@ in
fontconfig fontconfig
cmigemo cmigemo
cacert cacert
ispell ispell
aspell aspell
aspellDicts.en aspellDicts.en
@ -84,15 +75,13 @@ in
aspellDicts.eo aspellDicts.eo
]; ];
home.sessionVariables = { home.sessionVariables = {
EDITOR = "vim"; EDITOR = "vim";
BROSWER = "open"; BROSWER = "open";
MANPAGER = "sh -c 'col -bx | bat -l man -p'"; MANPAGER = "sh -c 'col -bx | bat -l man -p'";
PATH = "$PATH:${builtins.getEnv "HOME"}/.emacs.d/bin:${builtins.getEnv "HOME"}/.cargo/bin"; PATH = "$PATH:${builtins.getEnv "HOME"}/.cargo/bin";
}; };
@ -148,7 +137,7 @@ in
enableAutosuggestions = true; enableAutosuggestions = true;
oh-my-zsh = { oh-my-zsh = {
enable = true; enable = true;
plugins = [ "git" "httpie" "aws" "emacs" "fd" "fzf" "mosh" "npm" "ripgrep" "rsync" "sudo" "yarn" ]; plugins = [ "git" "httpie" "aws" "fd" "fzf" "mosh" "npm" "ripgrep" "rsync" "sudo" "yarn" ];
}; };
shellAliases = { shellAliases = {
l = "exa -lah --icons --git"; l = "exa -lah --icons --git";
@ -330,43 +319,4 @@ in
bind-key k up bind-key k up
''; '';
}; };
# home.file.gitui = {
# target = ".config/gitui/key_bindings.ron";
# text = ''(
# focus_right: Some(( code: Char('l'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# focus_left: Some(( code: Char('h'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# focus_above: Some(( code: Char('k'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# focus_below: Some(( code: Char('j'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# open_help: Some(( code: F(1), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# move_left: Some(( code: Char('h'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# move_right: Some(( code: Char('l'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# move_up: Some(( code: Char('k'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# move_down: Some(( code: Char('j'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# popup_up: Some(( code: Char('p'), modifiers: ( bits: 2,),)),
# popup_down: Some(( code: Char('n'), modifiers: ( bits: 2,),)),
# page_up: Some(( code: Char('b'), modifiers: ( bits: 2,),)),
# page_down: Some(( code: Char('f'), modifiers: ( bits: 2,),)),
# home: Some(( code: Char('g'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# end: Some(( code: Char('G'), modifiers: ( bits: 1,),)),
# shift_up: Some(( code: Char('K'), modifiers: ( bits: 1,),)),
# shift_down: Some(( code: Char('J'), modifiers: ( bits: 1,),)),
# edit_file: Some(( code: Char('I'), modifiers: ( bits: 1,),)),
# status_reset_item: Some(( code: Char('U'), modifiers: ( bits: 1,),)),
# diff_reset_lines: Some(( code: Char('u'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# diff_stage_lines: Some(( code: Char('s'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# stashing_save: Some(( code: Char('w'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# stashing_toggle_index: Some(( code: Char('m'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# stash_open: Some(( code: Char('l'), modifiers: ( bits: 0,),)),
# abort_merge: Some(( code: Char('M'), modifiers: ( bits: 1,),)),
# )'';
# };
} }

@ -11,11 +11,13 @@ = true = true = true
lvim.builtin.treesitter.highlight.enabled = true lvim.builtin.treesitter.highlight.enabled = true
table.insert(lvim.builtin.cmp.sources, { name = "orgmode" })
lvim.plugins = { lvim.plugins = {
{ "shaunsingh/nord.nvim" }, { "shaunsingh/nord.nvim" },
-- { "rose-pine/neovim" }, -- { "rose-pine/neovim" },
-- { "folke/tokyonight.nvim" }, -- { "folke/tokyonight.nvim" },
{ 'michaelb/sniprun', run = 'bash ./' },
{ "nacro90/numb.nvim", event = "BufRead", config = function() require("numb").setup() end }, { "nacro90/numb.nvim", event = "BufRead", config = function() require("numb").setup() end },
{ "npxbr/glow.nvim", ft = { "markdown" } }, { "npxbr/glow.nvim", ft = { "markdown" } },
{ "tpope/vim-repeat" }, { "tpope/vim-repeat" },
@ -28,13 +30,29 @@ lvim.plugins = {
{ {
"nvim-orgmode/orgmode", "nvim-orgmode/orgmode",
config = function() config = function()
require('orgmode').setup{ require('orgmode').setup_ts_grammar()
require('orgmode').setup {
org_agenda_files = {'~/Sync/Notes/*'}, org_agenda_files = {'~/Sync/Notes/*'},
org_default_notes_file = '~/Sync/Notes/', org_default_notes_file = '~/Sync/Notes/',
-- org_todo_keywords = {'TODO', 'WAIT', '|', 'DONE'},
-- vim.opt.conceallevel = 1
{ "akinsho/org-bullets.nvim",
config = function()
require("org-bullets").setup {
symbols = { "", "", "", "" }
} }
vim.opt.conceallevel = 1
end end
}, },
-- {
-- 'lukas-reineke/headlines.nvim',
-- config = function()
-- require('headlines').setup()
-- end,
-- },
{ {
'rmagatti/goto-preview', 'rmagatti/goto-preview',
config = function() config = function()
@ -79,27 +97,27 @@ lvim.builtin.which_key.mappings["B"] = { "<cmd>BlamerShow<cr>", "Show Blamer" }
-- Org mode stuff -- Org mode stuff
local parser_config = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers".get_parser_configs() -- local parser_config = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers".get_parser_configs() = { -- = {
install_info = { -- install_info = {
url = '', -- url = '',
revision = 'f110024d539e676f25b72b7c80b0fd43c34264ef', -- revision = 'f110024d539e676f25b72b7c80b0fd43c34264ef',
files = {'src/parser.c', 'src/'}, -- files = {'src/parser.c', 'src/'},
}, -- },
filetype = 'org', -- filetype = 'org',
} -- }
require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup { -- require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
-- If TS highlights are not enabled at all, or disabled via `disable` prop, highlighting will fallback to default Vim syntax highlighting -- -- If TS highlights are not enabled at all, or disabled via `disable` prop, highlighting will fallback to default Vim syntax highlighting
highlight = { -- highlight = {
enable = true, -- enable = true,
disable = {'org'}, -- Remove this to use TS highlighter for some of the highlights (Experimental) -- disable = {'org'}, -- Remove this to use TS highlighter for some of the highlights (Experimental)
additional_vim_regex_highlighting = {'org'}, -- Required since TS highlighter doesn't support all syntax features (conceal) -- additional_vim_regex_highlighting = {'org'}, -- Required since TS highlighter doesn't support all syntax features (conceal)
}, -- },
ensure_installed = {'org'}, -- Or run :TSUpdate org -- ensure_installed = {'org'}, -- Or run :TSUpdate org
} -- }
require('orgmode').setup({ -- require('orgmode').setup({
org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'}, -- org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'},
org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/', -- org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/',
}) -- })
