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Dustin Swan a34f94ea8e Spacemacs transparency fix
bin Updating visimeet launcher
bitbar Various dotfile changes. Emacs, mail, music, etc.
mutt more mutt
ssh Various dotfile changes. Emacs, mail, music, etc.
vdirsyncer More stuff
.gitignore updates fish and zsh stuff for new brew, keychain, etc. changens to fish shell in emacs multi-term
.gitmodules Updating .spacemacs for the new release.
Emacs Client.scpt Various dotfile changes. Emacs, mail, music, etc.
README.org Capitalization
Xresources Config!!
brew_list updating list of packages that still require homebrew
config.fish dotfile tho
configuration.nix Config!!
ghci.conf Other dotfile updates here and there
gitconfig updating gitconfig with new email
glances.conf Bunch of dotfile changes
gpg-agent.conf Adding 'dustin' config layer for spacemacs. updating gpg-agent ttl to 24 hours.
karabiner.json some karabiner and vimrc stuff
khal.conf Other dotfile updates here and there
khard.conf Other dotfile updates here and there
logitech_linux_mouse.sh more linux config
msmtprc General cleanup, some mail stuff. Some switching from brew to nix
muttrc dotfile tho
ncmpcpp Various dotfile changes. Emacs, mail, music, etc.
offlineimap.py More notmuch filter corrections. Cleaning up decrypting for offlineimap
offlineimaprc More stuff
polybar Moving stuff back to xprofile. Some more polybar prettying
qutebrowser.py more linux config
spacemacs Spacemacs transparency fix
symlinks.sh more linux config
tmux.conf getting karabiner to work with Poker 2 again, tmux mouse support, vimrc syntax stuff.
urlview.linux different urlview configs per os
urlview.mac different urlview configs per os
vimrc Lots of linux goodies
xmonad.hs more linux config
xprofile more linux config
zshrc dotfile tho



I primarily use OS X and NixOS GNU/Linux. I'm trying nix on OS X for package management, and Homebrew for anything that's missing or broken.

After ~15 years with Vim & Tmux/GNU Screen, I've switched to Emacs & Spacemacs.


If you

  • like Vim's modal UI
  • like Lisp better than Vimscript (yes, I know about neovim)
  • want a huge, ancient hacker community & ecosystem

then I really suggest checking out Emacs & Spacemacs. Emacs really is a great operating system, and now it has a great editor.

Other Software

Todo List

  • Switch from GitHub to GitLab
  • Switch to NixOS full time (on desktop)
  • [x] Switch from Gmail to Fastmail
  • [x] Switch from Dropbox to Syncthing
  • [x] vdirsyncer to sync CardDAV and CalDAV (to be hosted on Fastmail)
  • Calendar: khal (Or maybe something in Emacs)
  • Contacts: khard
  • Music: mpd or Mopidy & ncmpcpp (Or Mingus in Emacs)