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# Dotfiles
I primarily use OS X and [NixOS](
After ~15 years with Vim, I'm slowly making the switch to Emacs.
I recently found Spacemacs and I'm giving that a try. I like it a lot so far.
I'm also in the process of converting my notes, TODOs, bookmarks, etc. to Org mode. It ss going well.
Current tool set:
- Terminal Multiplexer: [tmux](
- Shell: [zsh]( & [Antigen]( (I try [Fish]( every few months but it never sticks)
- Editor: [Spacemacs]( (Emacs + Evil + lots of other things)
- Email: [offlineimap]( + [mu]( + [mu4e](
- Browser: [Firefox](
- Window Manager (Linux): [i3](
- Window Manager (OS X): [Slate](
- Terminal Emulator (Linux): [rxvt-unicode](
- Terminal Emulator (OS X): [iTerm 2](
- Launcher (Linux): [dmenu](
- Launcher (OS X): [Alfred](
- Journal: [jrnl]( (Although considering Org mode for this)
- Switch from Gmail to [Fastmail](
- Switch to NixOS full time
- Switch from Dropbox to... I don't know yet. BitTorrent Sync?
- Get my spreadsheets off of Google docs. Also not sure what to switch to for these...
- [vdirsyncer]( to sync CardDAV and CalDAV (to be hosted on Fastmail)
- Calendar: [khal]( (Or maybe something in Emacs)
- Contacts: [khard](
- Music: [mpd]( or [Mopidy]( & [ncmpcpp]( (Currently using Spotify)