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Dustin Swan c7b8251054 More nixos xwindows config stuff
afew Adding ruby script to put notmuch inbox/unread count in os x menu bar. Tweaking afew filters
alot Adding comamnd to quick check mail.
bin Adding comamnd to quick check mail.
fontconfig/conf.d Adding fonts and fontconfig to dotfiles
fonts Updating powerline fonts
i3 More nixos xwindows config stuff
luakit Adding luakit scripts, creating a mutt folder instead of just .muttrc, and adding urlview config
vdirsyncer Oh you know, just some config stuff
vim/bundle Removing unused git submodules. Upgrading vundle
.gitignore Removing unused gitignore lines
.gitmodules Removing unused git submodules. Upgrading vundle
README.md Updating readme to reflect comfort with notmuch/alot/afew/etc.
Xmodmap Using xmodmap for caps lock -> control, and Xcape for tap caps -> Esc
Xresources More nixos xwindows config stuff
ackrc Stuff, man
bootstrap-mac.sh Breaking my mac bootstrap thing
config.fish Switching back from fish to zsh, for now. Turning zsh predict-on on on
conky Fullscreen float for xmonad and adding mail to conky
gcalclirc smaller columns for gcalcli
gemrc Adding gemrc and pentadactylrc
ghci.conf Oh you know, just some config stuff
gitconfig Adding git lg, a better thing than my git hist
khal.conf Adding khal config, even though it's broken
mailcap Oh you know, just some config stuff
mbsyncrc Getting mail working better. Adding filters to afew config. Etc.
msmtprc Fixing gmail smtp settings for msmtp
notmuch-config Switching from mbsync to offlineimap. More mail crap
notmuch-post-new Giving into the offlineimap nametrans for google. Spaces in my folder names were causing problems..
offlineimap.py Switching from mbsync to offlineimap. More mail crap
offlineimaprc Giving into the offlineimap nametrans for google. Spaces in my folder names were causing problems..
osx Moving around some dotfiles. Getting more symlink creation in the script.
packages Breaking my mac bootstrap thing
passwords.py Finally getting notmuch + mbsync + msmtp + alot + afew working. Only with work mail so far
ruby-version Breaking my mac bootstrap thing
slate.js Changing slate.js commands
symlinks.sh More nixos xwindows config stuff
tmux.conf Ugh
urlview.linux different urlview configs per os
urlview.mac different urlview configs per os
vimperatorrc Adding web clients to ignorekeys for vimperator
vimrc Adding a bunch of stuff to get nixos working
vromerc Updating vromerc for feedly, adding key shortcuts.
xinitrc.arch Adding a bunch of stuff to get nixos working
xinitrc.nixos More nixos xwindows config stuff
xmonad.hs Fullscreen float for xmonad and adding mail to conky
zshrc Adding a bunch of stuff to get nixos working



I primarily use OS X and Arch Linux.

Current tool set:

  • tmux
  • zsh (I try fish every few months.. never sticks though)
  • vim + vundle + too many plugins
  • mbsync + notmuch + afew + alot + msmtp
  • weechat
  • Firefox + vimperator

Linux-only tools:

  • XMonad + dzen2 + conky. Thinking about trying out i3.
  • urxvt
  • luakit, when my neckbeard starts itching

OS X-only tools:

  • Alfred
  • iTerm
  • Slate