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<h1 class="text-4xl mb-4 uppercase font-semibold border-b-2 py-2">Dustin Swan</h1>
<article class="pb-8">
<p class="py-1"><strong>Software Engineer</strong> with over 14 years experience architecting, implementing, and shipping secure, cross-platform applications &amp; APIs. Proficient in functional and object-oriented programming paradigms; delivering clean, maintainable code; utilizing modern, standards-based web technologies.
<h3 class="section-title">Experience</h3>
<article class="pb-8">
<img src="assets/visionable.png" class="w-12 float-left mt-1 mr-4" />
<h4 class="text-lg font-bold">Front End &amp; API Lead Software Engineer</h4>
<div><a href="" target="_blank">Visionable UK Ltd</a> <i>(prev. IOCOM)</i> | 2009 - present</div>
<ul class="clear-left m-4 ml-0 lg:ml-16">
<li>Designed &amp; developed our flagship responsive, cross-platform JavaScript video conferencing application</li>
<li>Architected, developed &amp; documented our original REST APIs</li>
<li>Lead a team of 7 front- &amp; back-end developers, creating an AWS SaaS API platform and a React + NextJS web application</li>
<li>Worked closely with Product &amp; Design teams to quickly turn ideas into functional prototypes</li>
<article class="pb-8">
<img src="assets/abbott.png" class="w-12 float-left mr-4" />
<h4 class="text-lg font-bold">Validation Engineer</h4>
<div><a href="" target="_blank">Abbott Laboratories</a> | 2007 - 2009</div>
<ul class="clear-left m-4 ml-0 lg:ml-16">
<li>Managed projects and assembled cross-functional teams to construct change plans and assess product impact</li>
<li>Authored changes to testing documentation and product design records</li>
<li>Processed changes to quality system and product documents to comply with medical device regulatory requirements</li>
<li>Programmed automated testing control procedures using the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)</li>
<h3 class="section-title">Education</h3>
<article class="pb-8">
<img src="assets/uic.png" class="w-12 float-left mt-2 mr-4" />
<h4 class="text-lg font-bold">Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering</h4>
<i>with minors in Computer Science & Math</i>
<div><a href="" target="_blank">University of Illinois Chicago (UIC)</a> | 2007</div>
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<h3 class="section-title">Contact</h3>
<i class="mr-1 fa-solid fa-fw fa-envelope"></i>
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<i class="mr-1 fa-solid fa-fw fa-map"></i>
Albuquerque NM, USA
<i class="mr-1 fa-solid fa-fw fa-house"></i>
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<h3 class="section-title">Technologies</h3>
<h4 class="subtitle text-fuchsia-400">Expert in</h4>
<ul class="text-fuchsia-100">
<span class="tooltip tooltip-accent" data-tip="I'd choose TypeScript for any new projects, but I still like good old JavaScript">JavaScript</span> /
<span class="tooltip tooltip-accent" data-tip="And Deno. Loving the Typescript support in Deno. I'll try Bun next, it looks promising">NodeJS</span> /
<span class="tooltip tooltip-accent" data-tip="I ♡ CSS. Flexbox has increased my quality of life in a big way. I've also used a few preprocessors like Sass & Less, and I tried out Tailwind for the first time on this page - I think I like it!">CSS</a>
<span class="tooltip tooltip-accent" data-tip="I built our video conferencing web application using WebRTC. For the first few years it was a constant battle with Browsers changing their APIs every version, but that has mostly settled down. Safari is still awful, of course.">WebRTC</span> /
WebSockets /
<li>React / MobX / MUI / NextJS</li>
<h4 class="subtitle text-emerald-400">Skilled in</h4>
<ul class="text-emerald-100">
<li>TypeScript / Electron / AWS</li>
<li>Redux / RxJS / Zustand</li>
<li>PHP / ODBC / Postgres / SQLite</li>
<li>Git / Perforce / Jira / Bugzilla</li>
<h4 class="subtitle text-amber-200">Excited About</h4>
<ul class="text-amber-50">
<li>Haskell / PureScript / Elm / Unison</li>
<span class="tooltip tooltip-accent" data-tip="I did Advent of Code 2020 in OCaml (see my Git repo), and it was SO GREAT">OCaml</span> /
<span class="tooltip tooltip-accent" data-tip="Then I did AoC 2021 in Racket. I didn't find it as easy as OCaml. I think I just need more practice with Lisps">Racket</span> /
<span class="tooltip tooltip-accent" data-tip="Still (constantly) learning Rust. I did AoC 2022 in Rust and it was a bit.. painful">Rust</span> /
<span class="tooltip tooltip-accent" data-tip="I've just started my Zig journey. I'm doing AoC 2023 in Zig, and it's not as bad as I thought so far!">Zig</span>
<span class="tooltip tooltip-accent" data-tip="Huge fan of Nix. I've replaced Homebrew on MacOS with Nix, I run NixOS on my VMs, and I use home-manager to manage my dotfiles. So good!">NixOS</span> /
<span class="tooltip tooltip-accent" data-tip="I've been using vi since I can remember. I used Emacs for a few years (mostly for Org-mode), but came back to vi when Neovim started getting good. I'm also excited about a few other editors: Helix, Kakoune, Lapce.. so many good ones out there!">Neovim</span> /
Command Line ♡